If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m a big fan of the Dollar Tree. Some may say I’m their biggest fan… but either way, I’m constantly strolling the aisles of my local DT alllll the time. With that being said, I wanted to make sure you knew about the amazing things you can find for the upcoming season… aka, Valentines Day!

Don’t think for one second that since it’s only January 7th that alllll this goodness will still be in stock by the time February rolls around… because it WONT!
So… let’s get into what MY store had! Hopefully by looking through this list, you can be prepared to know what your store has, too!
The first thing I saw were SO MANY cute cards. This is just a close up of a few!
Right beside the cards, they had TWO racks full of paper bags! Remember… you can CRAFT with these!!!
One thing they are always good about having are these heart wreath forms!
I know this isn’t really a specific crafting item, but HOW CUTE are these plastic mason jars?!?!
Listen… these doilies are amazing. I bought some in in every color! Last year I made a banner for my tree with these… you can check that out HERE!
Dollar Tree had the hook up for little Valentines embellishments!!! These will go quick, so make sure you snag some soon if you want them!
If you’re like me, then you love to make and give treats for Valentines day! these little plastic containers would be perfect for that… and could even be perfect for CRAFTS!
My store was already pretty picked over on ribbon… but these two that they had left were super cute!
If you pick up a wreath form, you can fill it with this decomesh!!!
I already made a craft using the blank wooden heart… I actually made it into the topper for my tree! You can see that HERE!
Signs, signs, and MORE SIGNS!
Do you remember when I did the project with that love sign with the galvanized heart?!? It was a HUGE hit last year… so be sure you go take a look at it HERE to see how you can give it a makeover!
Now these aren’t Valentines related… but how precious are these stickers?!?! They had SO many to choose from, and you could make so many cute signs with them!!!
This is also not Valentines related… but my store already had St. Patricks day out!!!
If this post doesn’t make you want to get up and run to your Dollar Tree, then I don’t know what else will!!! There is so much potential in all these items, and I can’t wait to share even more crafts that I do with some of them!!
Last Updated on January 7, 2021
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Thanks for showing what might be in my dollar tree. I am lucky that I have four DTs within driving distance so if one doesn’t have what I want, most of the time I feel okay to try another store. Love the Valentines Day things that you showed. Can make lotsa good crafts!!!
Love your coffee bar and the things you make for it and everything else you make just love to watch you.