Growing up I used to be a secret bird-watching fan. Both of my grandmothers loved birds in their own way and when I was younger, I would enjoy the times where I would sit with them and watch the birds. My Granny would spend way too much of her money purchasing bird seed to try and feed the entire population of birds around the area. She was also an artist, so she would paint birdhouses and had many bird books that gave a variety of information. My Grandmother was a one-bird fan: hummingbirds. She would take time filling up her hummingbird feeders and then we would sit on her front porch and watch quietly as they would come up and drink. It seems only fitting that when my Granny passed away, I received a birdhouse from her collection and when my Grandmother passed away, I received her hummingbird feeders.
Recently when I was scrolling through Facebook, a bird video caught my attention. It was a video of a bald eagle who was protecting its new eaglets during a snowstorm in California. This eagle was facing 80-100 mph winds and blizzard-like snow conditions. As the video plays, you can see the eagle crouched down with its wings spread over the nest and its head faced down. By the end of the video the adult eagle is completely covered in snow. As the snowstorm passes, the adult eagle lifts up off the nest and shakes the snow off its back. As the adult eagle raises up, you can see a nest full of tiny eaglets that are unphased by any of the conditions.
And this is how our heavenly Father wants to shelter us if we will allow Him to.
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the
Almighty. This I declare about the Lord; He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is
my God, and I trust Him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from
deadly disease. He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings.
His faithful promises are your armour and protection.” Psalm 91:1-4
God wants to provide us rest, refuge, safety, protection. He wants to cover us with His feathers and shelter us from all the dangers around us. God’s promises are our armor and protection. His promises are faithful and true. He desires to carry us through all the dangers and fears of this life. To do this we must make the choice to live and rest under His wings. Just as those eaglets remained under their parents during the snowstorm; we must choose to remain with God during our lives to truly receive the rest and protection we desire. Why would we want to face all the conditions alone when we have a loving Father who wants to provide protection and rest every day?
This devotional was written by Amy Carrico of Making the Moments Matter. Click HERE to follow her on Facebook!
Last Updated on March 24, 2025
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