Shelves can sometimes be so hard to decorate. It鈥檚 important to mix items of varying heights to add dimension and interest, and many times BOOKS are the perfect fit for that scenario! I LOVE how books can provide a pop of color when needed. The monochromatic look, using book spines with the same color, is VERY popular right now! However, purchasing a book stack online in a specific color is EXPENSIVE!
While browsing online, I saw THIS book stack below listed for $75! WOWZERS!

Well that was way more than I wanted to spend, so I did what any good DIY’er would do, and I went the thrift store to find something similar for LESS.
Now, it takes a little bit of time to go through the books. First, you want to remove part of the book covering to check the color of the spine and the color of the title. In this instance, I wanted to stick with gold lettering on the spine. Speaking of the title, you also want to definitely pay attention to the title of the book! I found a few that were the perfect color and size, BUT I put them back because I was not fond of the book title and they were not my style.
I walked out, dropping only $6 for six books! What a steal!
I removed all of the jackets and was left with this stack of books.
This was perfect and just what I was looking for! Next up, I styled them a couple of different ways on my shelf.
Books are perfect to add a little height to smaller objects!
I love the black and white combo with gold accents! I think it looks VERY similar to the set I saw for $75, but this stack was only $6!!! You can’t beat that with a stick!
Last Updated on January 18, 2023
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Looks great! I saw the same thing for $75 and thought NO WAY! You did a great job!!
I love them stacked with the plant sitting on top! Well they were all great but ya know always one favorite… This is from an Arkansas gal
You are too clever! Great idea!!
Love the look, as an avid reader, if you love a good suspense/drama/mystery then you must read that Kay Hooper book, I love her books!!
Same!! I love Kay Hooper!! When we moved to our new house I had soooooooo many books (I thought I had to keep all of them), I donated all my Kay Hooper, Lisa Jackson, Tess Garrison, etc, etc to our John 3:16 Mission…yes, I could have sold them but they were so grateful for them, OH another favorite of mine is JD Robb!! Among many many others, I still have bookshelves full here to read 馃榿
They look great!
What a fantastic idea. I didn鈥檛 even think about doing something so simple. Time to go to my local half priced books sales bin!
What a great savings here Brooke! Love it!!! Too cool for school. LoL
LoL I see I DID comment awhile ago the first time around. Will say again, great find and great buy! Saved a bunch of $, 69 to be exact!