“We cannot turn back the pages of time, though we may wish to relive a happy moment, or say goodbye just one last time. We never can, because the sands of time continue to fall and we cannot turn the hourglass over.”
We are all living in those last time moments. We may not realize it, but we certainly are. Maybe it is the last time your little girl will stop on a walk to pick a dandelion just to blow it to make a wish. Maybe it is the last time you will be asked to help wipe a tail or color a picture. Maybe it is the last conversation you will have with a best friend. We go on with our day to day lives never realizing, never relishing in the ordinary- because we fail to see they are really far from ordinary. They are the moments in time that we will never get back, but we will long for in the future.
A few months ago, my baby boy Blaize pretty much potty trained himself. Yes, it is true. He had just turned 2, and while I had let him go potty in the big boy potty, I had not really ever pushed him to potty train yet. Maybe it was because I was holding onto the fact that he is my baby, and I was simply not ready to admit that he was ready and growing up on me. I don’t know. But the fact of the matter is, he was ready so he did it.
I had just recently bought him a big pack of diapers, not knowing that it would be the last pack of diapers I would buy for him. I went to Walmart like always, bought them and went on with life. It was a simple thing. It was an ordinary thing. But, looking back, it was the last time I would buy diapers for my baby boy. Yes, it is a wonderful thing that he is potty trained. It is a wonderful thing that it was so easy. It is a wonderful thing that I will save that money. But, it is a hard thing for a momma who is trying so hard to hold on to every millisecond because they are escaping her so quickly. It is hard to know that the little baby boy who has had me completely wrapped around his finger since the day he was brought into this world is now becoming a big boy and actually wearing Paw Patrol underwear with no accidents. Don’t get me wrong, I am so incredibly proud of him. He is growing to be such a good, kind hearted little boy whom I love more than words could ever say. But, he is not a baby anymore. He is transforming into a little man right before my eyes.
When I realized that I had bought those diapers for the last time, it got me to thinking about a conversation that my mother in law and I had not too long ago. We were talking about those “last time moments”. I am not sure I had ever given it alot of thought until we starting talking about it, but this week I sure have. You know, we have those last time moments every single day. We don’t realize that they are when they are happening, but they are. In my case, I think about my children. If I had known it would be the last time I was buying that pack of diapers, I would have felt totally different that day. I would have probably had a tinge of sadness knowing how fast he was growing, yet feeling proud of his accomplishment. If I had known it was the last time that I would rock Eden to sleep, I would have rocked her much longer and held on much tighter as it was happening. I didn’t know. I was just going through my daily life, living in the moment like we all do. In fact, I was probably in a hurry to have some alone time. These moments that Blaize wants to hold my hand in the car, or the moments that Eden says “Lay here just 1 more minute”, those will stop. When will that last time be? Will I cherish it and hold onto it, knowing the significance it truly has…or will I halfheartedly go through the motions and miss the moment altogether.
Once again, I am challenged to live in each moment. I mean truly live…. realize that these days are but a vapor and soak each one up to the fullest. That way, when I look back and realize I had a “last time” moment, I can truly say that I lived that moment. I cherished it. I breathed it in and relished it for what it was, the last time.
I leave you with this poem that I found after writing this post. It is amazing how spot on it was with how I was feeling.
James 4:14 “..whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”
Last Updated on May 6, 2017
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Oh sweet Brook…I remember the time my little boy peed on the tree at bible school when he ws 3 -you were there to share in that moment and then share it with me! The last times come and go so quickly! I always wish now that I had lingered a little longer after bedtime stories and one last kiss..or mom will you rub my hair til I fall asleep??? How I long for those times now… Just one Last Time! You are so right- The Last Times come and go without notice. Breathe them in deeply- store them away in your heart, and pull them out when life gets rough and remember… You have been blessed!
Thank you so much, Sue. Your kids were so precious and I loved having them in Vacation Bible School. They were always my favorites. And I clearly remember Willie doing that. Good memories for sure.
Thanks for making me tear up Babe!
I’m sorry!! Imagine how I was while I was writing it 馃檪
The last times come so unexpectedly…with milestones of our kids as well as losing loved ones, we usually don’t know that these “last times” really are coming! We definitely need to live each day as though it was our last…seize the day!!! And enjoy every day with your little guy!
So very true, Susan…so very true! Thank you.
Brooke, I love that Blaise has followed Eden’s steps in looking me up and running to give “DeeDee” hugs! Those are the best of moments and shall bring a smile to my heart for many years. Thanks for sharing those sweet babies with me.
They both love Dee Dee!!! Thank you for loving them 馃檪
Simply Beautiful!
I am 72 and there have many, many last times for me. I wish I had been in the moment during those times. My children are grown and my grandchildren are fast approaching “grown”. Thank you for reminding that whatever time and times I still have are still there for me.
Thank you so much for reading, Barbara! I hope it inspires everyone (including myself) to always live in each moment, no matter how small.
Brooke what you have put into words is so true! I look back on the four babies we raised and take pride in the adults they have become and rejoice in the grandchildren they have brought into this world. We are enjoying the kindergarten, grade school, and high school graduations this week, and couldn’t be prouder of these grandchildren now! The last time? Always be ready, it will come.
I am sure you look back and have so many precious memories! And you are right, the moments come all to often. We truly need to relish each moment, don’t we?
Loved this and shared with my son and daughter in laws. So touched my heart!! Thanks, Brooke.
Thank you so much for sharing, Leslie. It is just so true how quickly the moments come and go…
I love it, made me a little sad though. I have had a lot of those ” last time ” moments.
I read your “last time” moments and I remembered a last time, our oldest son came by for me to make him a sandwich while he was working near our home. It was my birthday week and I told him what I wanted for my birthday was for him to put Christmas lights on our house, we are 70. He said “you buy them and I will put them up”! The next Saturday three policemen showed up at our front door, our son was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident. It was an unbeliever loss, and to make it worse, our middle daughter at 37 was dying of colon cancer, She only lived four months after our sons death.
So please cherish those precious moments,