No matter what type of student you were growing up, there is probably one thing that most people have in common: we hate tests. Now granted, there may be a few anomalies along the way of people who like to prove what they have learned, feel confident for every test, and rock it. But for the majority of students, test days are the worst. Whether or not you are a good student, test days bring on a level of anxiety and concern. For those perfectionistic students, test days provide the stress of wanting to succeed and prove to the teacher all that has been learned. For the low-achieving students, test days are just one more day where they feel less than, or inadequate, because they don’t know the content. For the poor test-takers, test days are days where they feel super anxious because they know the material, but are afraid they will have brain fog, lose focus, or go blank. Most people do not like tests.
But God commands his people in the book of Malachi to put Him to the test.
The people of God had cheated Him by not giving their tithes and offerings. They had failed to obey the laws and decrees. They had left the God of their ancestors. They had begun to focus on themselves instead of showing their love to God through their giving. They were under a curse because of their actions.
God issues a challenge.
“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!” Malachi 3:10
God is telling the people to test him. He is promising that he will deliver with the results.
This challenge is specifically talking about tithes, but it relates to so many more areas than just money. Give. Give of your time. Give your best. Give your focus. Give your service. Give and see what happens. Give and put Him to the test.
After many years in the faith, I can truly say I have never been disappointed when I gave. I have never been disappointed in time spent in the Word. I have never been disappointed in making more time for prayer. I have never been disappointed in giving tithes and offerings. I have never been disappointed in serving. I have never been disappointed in meeting the needs of others.
Any time I have “tested Him,” He has come through.
No, it’s not always immediate. No, it’s not money falling from the sky. But there’s always growth in my life. There is always fulfillment. There is always provision. There is always blessing.
God is not like us. He wants to be tested. Test Him and see what happens.
This blog was written by Amy Carrico: Author of Making the Moments Matter Blog
Last Updated on July 15, 2024
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So glad “persistence” is a word…….
You it it into ACTION❤️ I just love reading your blog👍🏻