You might have seen me score this precious yellow rubber boot planter from Big Lots the other day… (if you missed all my favorite finds from Big Lots, you can see that post HERE!) and although it is ADORABLE the way it is- I just have a chronic issue of adding my own spin to things 😂
You see, I kind of always wanted a rubber boot planter that had POLKA DOTS on them… I pretty much knew my chances of finding that was slim, so I did what any crafter would do- and pulled out my paint to make my own dots!!

The only things you’re going to need for this SUPER simple update is literally paint and a spouncer! You can find spouncers in all different sizes on amazon, and I just used my FAVE Apple Barrel paint from Walmart in the color white!
Okay, this might sound like rocket science… so hang with me!!! 😉 All I did was dab my spouncer into the white paint, and push it onto the boots all over… THAT’S IT!!!!
There is no rhyme or reason to where I put the dots, I just wanted them to cover the whole thing!
When I was finished placing all my dots everywhere, I just sat them in the sun to dry- then I was DONE!!! I’m not lying y’all, this took me MAYBE two minutes to get all the dots on… can’t you tell I’m a fan of QUICK & EASY crafts?!?!
Let’s see it on my front porch (which I will be revealing VERY soon!!)
I have been obsessed with tulips lately… so of course I had to “plant” some yellow ones!
I say “plant” because they are fake… LOL. This gal isn’t the best at keeping flowers alive 😂 I found these off amazon, and I LOVE THEM. Here is my referral link if you want some, too! Shop my tulips!
So what do you think about this SIMPLE little update?! I honestly LOVE the way it turned out, and can’t wait to show you what they look like against the rest of the porch!!!
Be sure to check out all my other fun finds from Big Lots right HERE! They have some AMAZING Spring/Easter decor out right now… and you don’t want to miss out on it all!
Last Updated on March 29, 2021
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Simple but so stinking cute!!!
Well they’re the cutest rainboots I’ve ever seen, and the bright sunny yellow with white polka dots makes it scream springtime. Are you going to wear your itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini sitting on a chair on your porch ?? LOL 😂 Thanks for your wonderful Springtime inspiration ☀️☀️☀️~ Dorinda
I love the re-fabbed boot planter what an awesome idea and I adore the yellow tulips. I wish tulips would last all summer but the teal way to make them last is artificial!!! So beautiful & vibrant. I’ll see if I can find that boot planter. I was just @ Big Lots failed to check out the garden area. I was so caught up with all the other decor in the store.
Thank you for always sharing your true self and the love your love behind your passion. You rock!!
Always walking with the king, Linda Francis
They are precious.l Love them
Absolutely adorable!
This project makes me want to look for a rubber boot planter & start painting(planting needs to wait about 3 months).