Today is the very first day of 2020, and it is impossible to start this year off without reflecting on the past year. I can truly say it was one of the most rewarding years of my life…and 2020 will have a hard time topping it.
There was so much to be thankful for in 2019, and I wanted to just highlight a few of my favorites. Of course it is impossible to take into account every detail of the year, but this sure was a good one…for me personally and for Re-Fabbed.
Let’s Look Back….
Started the year off with business in New Orleans! LOVE my friends so much. In business, it is so important to have friends that get you…and that understand what you do and what it means. It has made all the difference in the world in my business.

2 LIVE events! Celebration Event in March and Christmas in July!
These events are more than words can say to me. To get to meet so many of you and talk to you and hug you and take pictures with you and CRAFT with you! It is sooooo much fun!
We headed to Disney for Spring Break and had an ABSOLUTE BLAST, every second of our time there!!! I looooove Disney. I am such a kid.
We did lots of fishing throughout the year! Our whole family enjoys that so much…and we had a blast. I am glad we made so much time for that.
I had my first segment on NBC News Channel 5’s Talk of the Town in Nashville, TN…and after my first segment, it turned into a monthly segment as a regular. I have had a blast, and they are the most wonderful people!
My husband got me a trip to Arizona for our anniversary (that is in March)…and we had so much fun together. We went to Sedona and Scottsdale…and we took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. There are no words to the beauty and the way it felt as we crossed over…
We made lots of time for fun on our slide at home! Grammy got them a fun water slide to play on, and they loved putting lots of dish soap to make bubbles!
My newest baby niece, Mckenna Reese was born! She is one of the most beautiful babies…I love her so much. My sister was a rockstar.
My son, Blaize was saved and baptized. Definitely the most amazing thing as a parent, to know you will spend eternity with your children! SO thankful for God’s salvation and that my son accepted it!
We went to Tybee Island! We had the best, most LOW KEY time! It was much needed! The water was so pristine…it was literally like glass the majority of the time…and the SUNSETS were unreal.
Both kids played baseball/softball! They had a GREAT year. It was really fun to spend so many nights at the ballpark. I loved it…and so did they.
Re-Fabbed Boutique sponsored Eden’s softball team. They never won, but they sure tried hard and had fun. They got better with each game.
Made another trip to New Orleans to speak at Wreath Makers Live to over 500 people about blogging! GREAT experience and time overall with my husband and my good friends, Damon and Julie!
We love being with our kids, but it is good for us to be able to do these things, just me and him! He also got to quit his job in May to come HOME and work with me! WHAT A BLESSING!
We spent pretty much EVERY Friday night at the stadium watching my nephew play football. He was the quarterback, and he is a phenomenal athlete. He made us so proud and took his team to state, where they lost by a last second hail mary.
Had a super fun trip to Roundtop and Waco, Texas! Roundtop was for business, mixed with some fun antiquing! Waco was just for fun…and you know I LOVED IT ALL.
Over Fall Break, we made a trip to Sea Grove, Florida with Brandon’s mom and sister and her kids! It was just the girls and kids, and we had soooo much FUN!!!!
The weather was 100% PERFECT.
Our house was finished!!! (at this point, the inside was NOT done at all) We had our very FIRST snow on our home! It looked so pretty!
The kids went ice skating for the first time, and they LOVED it so much! We truly did have a great time together. Our ankles were KILLING us, but it was worth it to see them so happy.
As HUGE Kentucky Wildcat fans, it was a big highlight of the year for the kids to get to see their first game at Rupp Arena! The cats WON, and we all had a great time!
I received a SURPRISE party for reaching 500K followers on Facebook. I was so shocked and happy to see so many people that I love there at my home to support and congratulate that achievement in my business!
And….we MOVED INTO OUR NEW HOME, finally!!!!!! We had our very FIRST Christmas in our new home, and to say it was amazing was an understatement. I absolutely LOVED decorating and making it feel like HOME for us. It was everything I hoped it would be.
And….to end the year, we came on a family vacation to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge with my family. It was a lot of fun and adventure…and LAUGHS.
To say 2019 was good would be an understatement. I truly feel like it will be hard to top it in 2020. There were so many GOOD times and memories. I feel like we made lots of time for each other and for things that we enjoy, which was something I had really wanted to do. We incorporated travel as much as possible, because me and Brandon both LOVE to travel….and so do the kids! It is always something we can enjoy together!
I want to say THANK YOU for all of you who follow along on my page. I literally could never say thank you enough. I love getting to live my passion of decorating and crafting…and I would never be able to do that without you and your support!
Here’s to an AMAZING 2020 together!!!!!
Last Updated on November 4, 2020
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