Christmas decorations are my absolute favorite. My living room starts to look like Santa’s workshop, and my heart just beats a little faster. I LOVE the reds and whites and all of the festive goodness that comes with the season! Today, I am going to share with you my living room Christmas tree!

I think it goes without saying that I love some “extra” decorating LOL, especially on my tree! Never a spot that doesn’t have something!
The Merry Christmas vintage banner is literally my favorite part of the tree, besides the big nutcracker head! I found it at Miss Lucille’s Marketplace in Clarksville, TN…which is one of my favorite stores!
This precious Santa is one of my favorite ornaments. There is no real meaning to it, but I love it! I found it at Hobby Lobby a few years ago.
This right here is my other favorite find! This nutcracker head is ADORABLE…or as Brandon says, creepy. I found him at Decorator’s Warehouse, and he was a MUST HAVE for me!
I shared these huge lollipops several times on my Facebook page, because I loved them! They are oversized and were only $9.00 at Walmart this year! I love this stuck in my tree!
I’ll show you the rest of the living room and the mantel soon! I hope you felt inspired in some way today!
Last Updated on November 22, 2022
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Your tree is a museum of red and white sembols of Christmas. I could look for so long and still miss a precious treasure that you have added. It doesn’t look over decorated just full of fun. Love it!
Hi Beautiful! My favorite 2 things are: the pennant banner & the cookie banner!
Thank You for sharing!
Your tree is absolutely gorgeous, you just have an eye for decorating.
Love, love, love the banner!@
Love love love whole tree, my favorite is the glass Santa. Thank you for the inspiration.
Love your red and white Christmas tree.
Each items are so cool and make the tree fantastic.
This year we have a cat in our home that love to take everything so my tree will be very simple this year.
I love Cardinal so my trees always have lots of red and white too. Love your creative on everything you do.
Wishing you a very happy holidays.
Hard to pick without saying, I’m
in love with it all and I’m truly inspired!
The (creepy😵💫) haha, Nutcracker head
and the darling Santa ornament, are my
top 2 and the gorgeous gift wrapping
blows my mind!! They could be empty and I
would feel like you were giving me an
awesome gift! You are amazing🎄☃️
Love it all! I don’t think the Nutcracker is creepy at all.
What I like best is all the red and white ornaments on the hidden tree. Love the red and white stuff all around the room. Should have just said that I really love everything! Love you too Brooke.
Brooke, i love your tree and everything about it! To choose only one favorite it would gave to be the oversize lollipops. They just make the tree. Beautiful, Beautiful. Merry Christnas to my favorite crafter and decorater.
Just beautiful!
Brooke…your tree is gorgeous!! I love everything about it! I don’t know if I could choose just one thing I like most. I also love the metal piece and how you cut out the trees from the table runner and added those to it. What a clever idea! I love that you share with us your decorating and ideas with us 🎄🎄🎄
You inspire me to want to have. Gingerbread themed Christmas tree, this year!!! I love “extra” Christmas decor too!! Lol