I love it when a plan comes together. I don't know if you are like me, but sometimes I have a visual in my head about how something will turn out, and when I go to implement my awesome plan, it is a big fat FAIL. There are plenty of things I have done that would be perfect for those "Pinterest Fail" ... Read More about Dear John Chest Makeover
Gossip Bench Makeover
"Let's give them something to talk about..." That song keeps going through my head as I begin to write this post! I mean, like I cannot get it out of my head, and I am singing it over and over! Well, anyway, this gossip bench was an awesome find by my mother in law {whom I ... Read More about Gossip Bench Makeover
$5 Coffee Table Makeover
For a girl like me, there is nothing better than a good yard sale. It gets my blood pumping and my creative juices flowing. So weird, but so true. What is even better than a good yard sale is a good yard sale done through the comfort of text messaging! If you remember my hexagon side table, you will ... Read More about $5 Coffee Table Makeover
Hexagon Side Table Makeover
As you know, I am a sucker for a good makeover! I love to see a piece of furniture transformed by the power of paint. This specific piece is no different. I was at a women's retreat for my church, when I decided to check my phone between sessions. {I made a conscious effort to not have my phone ... Read More about Hexagon Side Table Makeover
My First Fabric Painted Chair {A Learning Experience}
Well guys...one thing you will always find on this blog is honesty. Not that I will post every bad project, because...well, that is not gonna happen! (HA!) But, I will post ones that anyone can learn from. This is one of those. In pictures, this one looks great...but it is certainly one of those ... Read More about My First Fabric Painted Chair {A Learning Experience}