I can remember it vividly from my childhood. If there was a party to attend, many of the girls would get together at someone’s house before the event to hang out and ride together because who wants to chance showing up at the party alone? As the girls would prepare for the party it would soon begin: girls borrowing each other’s clothes. People would start trading items or borrowing from each other to make their outfit unique. Or maybe a girl has her own style, but after skimming through Instagram or Facebook, she suddenly feels the need to wear different things. When a teenage girl sees a friend getting tons of “likes” on her outfit then pretty soon she is asking for the same thing. We all want to be accepted and so we all try to fit in. The crazy thing is, God wants us to stand out. He has given each of us our own life to live, our own impacts to make, and our own battle to fight. And when we try to look like, sound like, and fight like everyone else, we fail miserably.
Amazingly, there is a story in the bible where someone recognized the importance of
being yourself when you fight for Christ. Goliath was a huge Philistine. The Bible states that he was a giant who was over nine feet tall. He would stand and shout over to the Israelites, daring one of them to come out and fight him. The Israelites were all frightened by his challenge and for forty days no one dared to accept the fight. David was the youngest in his family and some of his brothers served in the Israelite army. David’s father, Jesse, would send David back and forth from home where he cared for the sheep to the front lines to check on his brothers and to bring food for them. David heard the challenge of Goliath. Much to everyone else’s surprise, David volunteered to fight the giant. When Saul finally consented to this idea, he immediately tried to set David up for success,
“Then Saul gave David his own armor-a bronze helmet and a coat of mail. David put it
on, strapped the sword over it, and took a step or two to see what it was like, for he had never worn such things before. ‘I can’t go in these,’ he protested to Saul. ‘I’m not used to them.’ So David took them off again. He picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd’s bag. Then armed only with his shepherd’s staff and sling, he started across the valley to fight the Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:38-40
David couldn’t fight like a traditional soldier. David couldn’t fight like Saul. God had
called him to this mission. David had to fight the way he had been prepared. His way of fighting was unlike anything these army officials had ever seen. They were used to heavy armor and shields and swords. David was used to protecting his sheep with a slingshot and rocks. If David had agreed and used Saul’s armor, it would have been a disaster. God received the glory as David fought God’s way. David was obedient to God’s mission and the Philistine was defeated.
- God has called each of us to our own unique calling.
God is not a duplicator. Each of his “masterpieces” are unique and one of a kind. He has created each of us with specific giftings, personalities, strengths, and callings.
- We will always be a second-rate imitation of someone else.
If we spend our lives trying to be like everyone else instead of stepping into the person that God has called us to specifically be, we will always be second-rate at best. God doesn’t want us to spend our lives mimicking what others are doing or believing that the only way to live for Him is to follow a certain pattern or process. He has specifically designed each of us to live for Him in a detailed and unique
way. He wants us to use our talents and abilities to honor Him and draw others
to Him.
- When we live in confidence with who God has called us to be, we will show
others His glory.
David refused to do things as they had always been done. He didn’t want to
wear the traditional armor. In 1 Samuel 17:48 it states, “As Goliath moved closer
to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.” David’s quickness and agility
allowed him to move faster than Goliath and use his marksman skills to hit
Goliath while he was still out of range of his enemy’s weapons. The Israelites
were amazed at the victory that day with only a slingshot and some stones.
Each of us has our own calling and we all have our own missions or battles that God has called us to “fight.” What may work for our family, friends, and others, may not work for us in our life. We have to be willing to be who God has called us to be and to live and impact others the way God has called us to. We will always only be a cheap imitation of someone else, so we must be the best version of ourselves. Don’t conform and try to fit a mold, whether in fashion, occupation, or life. Be who God has called you to be and in doing so, watch Him receive the glory for your impact.
This blog was written by Amy Carrico: Author of Making the Moments Matter Blog
Last Updated on April 25, 2024
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