By: Amy Carrico
Author or Making the Moments Matter blog
Throughout our society, there has become a perception that impacting others for Christ can only be a job for the “professionals.” Unless you are called by God to be a preacher, teacher, or evangelist, then God can’t possibly use you in the same capacity. Some people have believed that, as a cop out for not impacting others for the Kingdom. But our God is much more creative than that and He has called each of us to reach people for His kingdom exactly where we are placed, no matter how “ordinary” it may seem. He knows that not everyone is going to step in a church building and that not everyone is going to be witnessed to by an evangelist, but everyone can come in contact with believers who are living out their calling in their day-to-day capacity.
Stay at home Mom? God can still use you for His kingdom. Work as a bank teller? God can still use you. Teacher? Usable. Nurse? Impacting the kingdom. The list is endless. God can use each of us right where He has placed us, in the circle of influence that He has given us.
All throughout Scripture we see examples where God uses ordinary people showing faithfulness in their calling and impacting eternity. At the start of the book of Exodus we see a new king come into power. This Egyptian Pharaoh is concerned because the Israelite slaves have begun to outnumber the Egyptian citizens. In order to gain control of this population shift, Pharaoh gives an order to the Hebrew midwives.
“When you help the Hebrew women as they give birth, watch as they deliver. If the baby is a boy, kill him; if it’s a girl, let her live.” Exodus 1:16
But these midwives were about to choose to be ordinarily faithful. Their job was to deliver babies and to help the Hebrew mothers throughout the birthing process. Even with Pharaoh’s edict they were going to continue to do what they were called to do.
“But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king’s orders. They allowed the boys to live, too.” Exodus 1:17
Because of their “ordinary faith,” because they were just doing their job, because they feared God and did what He called them to do, the trajectory of the Israelite people was forever changed. For during the time of this ruling by Pharaoh, a baby named Moses would be saved by the midwives and he would lead the Israelites out of slavery.
The midwives were just doing what they were called to do. God used their ordinary faithfulness to empower a nation.
We continue to see others throughout Scripture who serve where God has placed them and impact those in their circle of influence.
David was a shepherd boy who stepped up to face a giant. Nehemiah built a wall. Esther was a common Jew who was placed in the palace for “such a time as this.” Daniel refused to eat off the King’s menu and worship their gods, was saved from the lion’s den, and was placed to lead the people.
This truth isn’t just displayed in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus calls ordinary
people to be his twelve closest followers. He would spend most of his time on earth with them, investing in them and preparing them for the future. These men were fishermen, tax collectors, zealots, outcasts. In Acts, we see Peter and John arrested and speaking before the High Council.
“The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for
they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13 All throughout time, God has used ordinary people, in ordinary settings, to do amazing things for His kingdom. Do we really believe that He would change His plan now? He has called each of us to live our lives where He has placed us for His purpose.
How can we be ordinarily faithful in our current state of living?
1. Never take lightly the calling He has placed on us. No matter what we are doing, God has a purpose and plan for us. He has given each of us a circle of influence to impact for His kingdom. “From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined the boundaries.” (Acts 17:26) While this verse is focusing on nations, it is the same for each individual person. He has called us to this time on the earth, to this area of the world, to interact with the people that He brings into our paths. To me, that is mind boggling.
2. Find your spiritual gifts, natural talents, and passions and live those out for Him. God has created each of us uniquely. We are all His masterpieces. We each have gifts, talents, and passions unique to us that can be used to impact specific people. Think about what you are good at, what comes easily to you, what inspires you. Then don’t compare yourself to others, but use your God-given abilities in the ways you can impact others.
3. Do what you are doing with excellence. No matter what God has placed in your life to do, do it with excellence. Christians should give their best in every area of their lives as a way to honor Christ. “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Colossians 3:23) We can impact others for Christ simply by doing our work with excellence.
Where has God placed you in this season of your life? Be ordinarily faithful. Are you staying at home with your kids and running the household? Impact those kids for the Kingdom every day. Are you taking bank transactions and hear the stories of hurt and disappointment as people struggle with finances? Be an encouragement. Are you teaching a classroom full of children every day? Show them the love of Christ. Are you walking in hospital rooms where bad news has been delivered? Comfort them with the love of Christ.
God has called each of us for this time, this place, during this season of our lives. We must decide to be “ordinarily faithful,” for in doing so, we may impact someone for eternity!
Last Updated on November 6, 2023
We are to be disciples and teach others to be disciples.
We are to be the light of the world. Living for him is an honor
God is so good all the time.
I love that you posted this. When I say my prayers each night, I pray not only for those who are serving in a professional capacity to spread the Word, but I pray for the Christians who are not professionals. We should be just as vigilant about spreading God’s message as those who were called to the clergy. It is all of our responsibility to make sure that people know about God. I love that you are not afraid to post messages like this on your blog. I’m considering starting a blog myself (although, I feel completely overwhelmed when I think about it), and I’ve already prayed that if it is something I am supposed to do that God will show me the way and help me to use it as a share his Word.
Thank you!
I will be ordinarily faithful and do my best raising these beautiful grandbabies! 🥰