It’s a New Year, and as I mentioned in The Naked House post, I have been doing some rearranging! Most of the changes have come in my living room, although every other room in the house has been altered too. I can’t help myself. When my house is so naked after Christmas, I can’t help but revamp!
For those of you who have never seen the VERY beginning stages of our Living Room when we bought this foreclosure, here are a couple of pictures (Warning…it is horrifying!). You can see the full article here.
So…now you see what we started with.
Now, let’s take a look at how it was laid out AFTER the renovation.
This was a pretty functional layout, and it kept the room really cozy, but I always hated how we couldn’t easily get in and out. I also thought the chairs in the bay window seemed like they didn’t really “go”, although I liked them. I just kept this layout because it was finished, and I hated to keep working on it, to be honest. Can anybody feel me on that one?
Well, after Christmas, when I took the tree down, I had a big bare spot in the bay window. Yes, the chairs were still available to go right back into that space, but I decided to see what else we could do. I decided to change things up a bit, and I have to admit…I really like it. It gives SO MUCH 聽MORE SPACE. The kids love it much more because they can run and play easier, and I just like the openness. Take a look and see what you think!
As I am sure you notice, I have also changed up some of the decor for a little more muted tone, in honor of winter 馃檪 And yes, the old man chair is still here. I know. I know. There is NO styling that piece, but it is comfy and the hubs won’t let me change it!
But seriously, look how OPEN this room is now!
{Ignore the lopsided middle window treatment. It is broken, but I have an exciting change coming soon to all of my windows that I will be sharing, and I can’t wait!}
I am enjoying the old chair and the more “rustic” look of the mantle right now. I also love my new little lantern from Kirklands! $19.99 with an extra 15% off- can’t beat that!
So, tell me your thoughts! But first, I know it would look better with a coffee table 馃檪 I don’t want one because I just love the openness and how the kids run and play constantly. I also know the loveseat should come out more, butI did it this way bc of the toys that we hide on the other side! LOL. So…I just wanted to say all of that because it gets brought to my attention ALOT! I know it isn’t perfect from a design standpoint, but it is perfect for our functionality. To me, that is all that matters- for me and you! Let’s chat in the comments!
A New Year=New Layout! I am happy with the results 馃檪 I always think it is fun to mix things up a bit, and what better time to do that than the start of a brand new year?! Changing a layout, switching out decor items from one room to the next, clearing clutter…it is a great time to do a little bit of it all!
Hope you are having a very Happy New Year so far and that 2016 is filled with LOTS of love and happiness!
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Last Updated on February 19, 2016
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Yes, Brooke, I too love the openness you have created! The room flows easily now & feels so cozy like I could just cuddle up on the couch & we could have tea & cookies! ~~ You might add something aqua on the mantle & maybe an aqua candle or colored aqua flat marbles with a candle inside the lantern by the hearth? I am the ‘aqua’ loving gal, I use that color in all my rooms. Your choice of the yellow & aqua is a nice pop but I would add more! ~ Also, will u be using a coffee table in front of your couch? Something different (shabby chic or a wood pallet homemade one) would be unique or a wood/metal one too…just a thought. I like the throws casually against the chairs & couch, how about an aqua one?! Sorry I can’t resist! ~ Thanks for sharing, you have given me some new ideas!
Hey Becky! Thank you for your nice words. A coffee table would be great, but with a 2 and 4 year old, I opted out for now so that they have room to run and play. I agree that from a design standpoint, that is a must, but from my practical standpoint, I am doing without for now! One less thing to jump and climb on 馃檪 I would definitely do a shabby chic, or possibly something with a pallet- just as you said. Also, we won’t be at this home for a really long time, so I haven’t worried too much about some stuff here {aka window treatments!}. Thanks so much for your comment. Have a good week!
Hi again Brooke! Oh yea, I remember the days when my little kids were climbing over every piece of furniture in my family or living room! So u are very lucky if everything you display doesn’t get rearranged by your ‘critters’! All my kids are grown now & all have their own babies. My youngest daughter lives in Arkansas & she has the small ones now (1 1/2 & 3). I miss them so much but just heard they are coming here to Sacramento for a 1 week visit so they will probably give my furniture a work out too! ~~ Since I am new to your blog page, I didn’t . know you won’t be in this house too long. I have had the 2 story house too & it can be tiring plus fun to fix them up. I can’t wait to look at your previous decoring articles, u are a very creative lady! (what state do u live in?). I am in Northern California
Hey Becky 馃檪 Yes, I don’t prefer a 2 story house at all. That’s not to say I may not end up with another one, but I am going to try not to! We bought this house as a foreclosure and never planned to live here forever. We do like it, and we have really made it into our own, but we also would like to move and have a farm with more land, etc… so that is what we will do in time {hopefully sooner than later!} I live in Western Kentucky. So glad to have you following along! Definitely check out the Room Renovations tab for some crazy makeovers!
Hi Brooke – love the sofas how you have them now – it does look a lot better and more spacious.
Personally I would include a coffee table in the centre – so it doesn’t look quite as bare? Somewhere to put a few books/magazines and a few bits and bats and, also perhaps you need somewhere to put a cup of coffee or a glass of wine or two when you have friends around etc 馃槈 perhaps a side table by your sofas with a lamp or something on and also where you can place a cup of coffee or a glass of wine? – Don’t think I’m a ‘wino’ though with me keep mentioning it – lol – although I do like a glass or two 馃槈
Love your new lantern and stack of suitcases and your bits and bobs you have around. I also love the colour of your walls – I have used a grey in a couple of my bedrooms and was thinking of perhaps having it in my lounge, but I have so many things to do that the lounge will be the last thing to do. Also, love your rug 馃檪 It is very satisfying isn’t it to have change – I’m like you and love to move stuff around:)
You were saying you had got something ‘lined up’ for your windows – maybe curtains or blinds or something or a valance? I think if you do it will really bring the whole look together and make it look even more cosy and warmer looking than it does now. I’m just a ‘window dresser’ ‘junky’ 馃檪
Can’t wait to see what you do:) Take Care
Hey Denise! I agree that the center of the room is very bare, and I would typically put a coffee table too- but with a 2 and 4 year old, I opted for the open space for them to play and run! A coffee table just gives them another thing to jump off! Haha!
I will also definitley be getting some sort of little side table to hold a drink. We definitely need that, but just never have done it 馃檪 The window treatments have been something I have wanted for a long time, but because of the cost and knowing we wouldn’t be here a real long time, I have just never done it. I think I have a good, reasonable plan now, so I can’t wait to see how it turns out!!
Take care!
HaHa I understand re your ‘kiddiewinks’ and your right 馃檪 Yes, a little side table would look nice and useful at the same time 馃檪 I know what you mean re your window treatments – they don’t come cheap do they! I only say about them cos, as I said I am a ‘window junkie’ and that is how I started out initially with my own business – making window dressings and anything to do with soft furnishings, cushions, bedding – you name it I did it 馃檪 My business at that time was called ‘Willow Soft Furnishings’ and then I decided to diversify – hence my ‘Decorative Ideas’ name. Just thought you might be interested in that – lol 馃槈 Take Care and chat soon.
Oh by the way just been on Hometalk and saw your ‘Riley’ sign on there – you have some nice comments and well deserved too 馃檪
Love the new layout, Brooke! And about the coffee table…not having one does give the kiddos more room to play and you have nothing to dust!!! That will be more in play when you get that house in the country – dust is a country accent (at least here in eastern Washington). I can’t tell from the angle of the pictures, but it looks as though the manly recliner is partially blocking the doorway into the dining room/kitchen? If the kiddos are running into Pops when he is stretched out, would moving the love seat a bit towards the fireplace alleviate the issue? It may just be the angle of the picture that makes it look that way to me. I just can’t believe the difference between the before and after – you took 40 years off this room, it looks like a totally different house with the same bones!!!
Thanks so much, Susan! And yes! The dust in the country is just as crazy here 馃檪 We actually moved to this house from a small 20 acre farm, but it wasn’t in the area of the county we wanted…and now that we have finished this house, we hope to find one in the right area. We are in no big hurry- but we love having land! Thanks so much for your comments and kind words. The chair is actually not blocking the doorway- it is just the angle from which I took the picture 馃檪 Have a great week!
I love your color scheme, those gray walls are gorgeous! Care to share the paint color? 馃檪 That wide open space is perfect for your littles, I am sure. It sounds like we have the same “restless style”; at least that’s what I call it when I change stuff up all of the time! 馃檪
Thank you so much, Kimm! The color is Wet Cement by Valspar. I love it too!
I need a couple of end tables, or at least one…but for the most part- this space is working really good for us!
My favorite room was Blaise鈥檚! (But the Master Bath was a close second because of that gorgeous picture between the mirrors!)