There’s almost nothing secret or sacred anymore. It seems like everyone knows so much about each other’s lives. Some of this is through our sharing on social media. The other part of this is our thirst for knowledge or information. We thrive off of “knowing” things and we get endorphins from being able to gossip and tell others juicy information. As gossip and information spread, stories change and perception changes, too.
Our lives are so full of information, drama, and gossip that sometimes it actually becomes tiring. I think back to days long ago when people were quiet. When people had to wait until they saw one another again to tell them of their lives and the happenings of the time. When information spread slowly. When the newspapers and the latest news were the main source of information. Nowadays you almost have to fact check every single thing you see on the internet to know if it’s true before sharing. People are purposefully placing false information online and it spreads like wildfire. Paul seemed to be on to this when he wrote to the Thessalonians.
“Make it your goal to live a quiet life. Minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. The people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others.” I Thessalonians 4:11-12
Can you imagine how much more enriched our lives would be if we would follow these verses? When we tend to lead quiet lives and mind our own business, our business tends to also stay out of others’ minds. I am so much more fulfilled and happy when I can focus on my children and work hard at home rather than having to use mental and emotional energy to work through drama or issues. It is amazing that when I take the time to use my hands and do something productive, that I have a whole lot less time to be meddling in others’ business or sharing the latest town gossip.
Paul also talked about how non-Christians are watching. They are looking to see how we will live and if our lives can be respected. One of the biggest turn-offs I see for non-believers is when someone who professes to be a Christian is the biggest gossip at their workplace or the most critical of others. That becomes even more true when Christians are gossiping or criticizing other believers.
In a world of limitless technology and information, what will it take to live a quiet life? How can you remove some of the drama from your lifestyle? How can you become less likely to gossip or be critical of others? What are some ways that you can be productive in the times you would normally get into others’ business? We should not only reflect on this for our own benefit, but also for the many others who do not have Christ internally, who are watching our behaviors.
This blog was written by Amy Carrico: Author of Making Moments Matter Blog
Last Updated on August 12, 2024
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