Tomorrow, my life will change. Tomorrow, for the very first time, my little boy starts school. He is excited…and he is apprehensive. I feel nervous, sad, excited…a little of everything. My daughter starts Kindergarten in 2 days. She is over the top excited and has been in preschool. She cannot wait, so it is hard to feel sad. I know she will do great.
There is nothing I can do about the fact that kids grow up and have to spread their wings. It hurts to let go, but it is the way it is meant to be. As their mother, I am here to nurture, protect, train and prepare them for the world ahead…and make sure they know they always have a safe place to return.
I can’t be with them each day at school, but I can make sure to give them a smile every day, no matter what their day is like – lunch box notes.
These lunch box notes are just one way that I can provide a little extra joy to each of my children everyday. Opening their lunch and seeing a note from their mom and dad, encouraging them and making sure they always remember how special and loved they are–it is a little gesture, but I feel like it is a very important gesture that they will remember for the rest of their life. Does a parent have to do this? Of course not. It is just something I am choosing to do because I know my children, and I know that things like this make their little hearts happy.
I wanted to share my lunch box notes printouts with you all, so that even in the hustle and bustle of your days…you will have these readily available to just stick in your child’s lunch! They are both the same, but I made one in pink and one in blue 馃檪
To print, just save to your computer as a jpeg and print! They fit perfectly on a normal 8.5×11 piece of paper. They work even better on cardstock if you have that. You can even reuse throughout the school year and you are all set!
Girl Lunch Box Notes:
Boy Lunch Box Notes:
Pin for Later!
Last Updated on July 10, 2018
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