So… funny story about this tree. If you are following along on Instagram, then you would already know how this went down- (if you aren’t following me over there, you so should!) Eden and I go outside to our shop to find the tree for her bedroom. We found it, or so we thought…
First step was to get this bad boy into the house. Brandon was out of town, so it was up to me to get it inside. I found our dolly and wheeled it inside. So far so good.

Now we had to pack it up the stairs to Eden’s room… I promise I’m not being dramatic, but this Christmas tree was HEAVY. Imagine the episode of Friends where Ross and Chandler were moving the couch upstairs, and Ross kept screaming “PIVOT!!”… that’s basically what was happening here.
We make it upstairs and get it all set up, then I realize this tree is not fitting in her room… we can’t even get the top on this thing. It was in this moment that I realized this is NOT the right tree. This is in fact is the 9 foot tree that was supposed to be for the living room…
Turns out, I had completely forgotten that I bought this tree, so I already had the living room tree set up with what SHOULD be Eden’s tree. I was NOT about to drag this thing back downstairs, take apart the living room tree, and swap them out… oh no no no. So what do we do? We leave the top off, and continued to decorate with no care in the world!!!
Honestly, even without the top, it still looks gorgeous. Eden decorated it by herself (I helped minimally) and she did a FANTASTIC job. So… let’s take a look at her masterpiece!!
I do want to say one thing first… she LOVES tinsel. She threw that stuff ALL over the tree… I’m not a huge fan of it, but she is… so that’s all that matters!
This tree is the epitome of what little girls dream of- the color pink, candy, ice cream, donuts… all the girly things!
So, if I wouldn’t have told you that this tree doesn’t have the top piece on… would you have ever known?! I think we did a pretty good job of hiding it!!!
Text me!!! 270-200-5848
Last Updated on November 24, 2020
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Eden it is Beautiful ‼️♥️
Thank you for sharing.🎄🎅🏻
It’s Soo Adorable!!! No, you cannot tell that it’s topless!!! Not At All!! It’s Beautiful!! I wish it was in my bedroom!! 🥰🤗👏👏👏
Great Job Ladies!!! ❤️
Looks so good! Next year if you use the tree you could use only the top 2 tiers and leave the bottom on off. I have done that myself. Your home looks fantastic!!!
Your tree is magnificent! I could only dream of a tree like that! You also did an awesome job decorating it! Enjoy your tree and it’s magnificents! Merry Christmas!!!
Eden’s tree is pricelessly (is that a word?) beautiful! I love it!
Eden’s tree is so cute! 🥰 I love it!
Eden’s tree is adorable. What girl of any age wouldn’t love to have that in their room. I know I’d still love to have that and I’m waaaay passed Eden’s age! Your story about the tree is hilarious and is a great story to share over the years. I don’t think anyone would know the top Is missing. It’s great!!
I love her tree!!!!!!!!!! Wish she could come to mine. She’d make it look great. Happy thanksgiving jane
Eden’s tree is gorgeous! She did a great job!!! Perfect for a girls room it would be gorgeous anywhere in the house! Hope you and your family have a happy THANKSgiving!!!!
It is beautiful. Just like Eden!!!! Love how it is decorated.
Her tree is beautiful she did a good job
I love it Eden. Beautiful tree. I would not have known the top was missing. One thing for sure she has her mama’s decorating talent!
This is beautiful! Eden is talented like her momma! What beautiful colors ! Love it!!
Absolutely gorgeous💝I have some of those ornaments for my kitchen gingerbread kitchen tree you did amazing on it..the topper is so cute..GREAT JOB
Oh my gosh Eden, I absolutely love your tree. Your mom is so right….. this is what every girl dreams of!! You did a fantastic job on your tree. I hope that your mom takes a lot of pictures for your memory book.
It is beautiful! I see she has the talent her Momma has!
it s the mst beautiful little girls tree,reminds me of tea parties n donuts
Well done, Eden! Your tree is a joy to behold.
Eden, your tree is my favorite in your whole house!!! It reminds me of “sugar plums dancing in my head”!
Merry Christmas.
Brooklynn’s tree is AMAZING!!
Just wow
I love Eden’s tree. It is beautiful and no you can not tell it doesn’t have the top. I absolutely love it.
Adorable tree and I never would have known about the missing part of the tree. Please tell Eden that she did a great job on her tree. It’s absolutely perfect in her room 🧡🧡🧡
Bless your heart?!! Sounds like something I would’ve done!! Lol You’re right though…in the end, all that matters is that SHE loved it!! That’s one of the most festive trees I’ve ever seen!!