In 2015, I started this blog…the very one you are reading today.
I started it as a way to share my journey through a foreclosure renovation we were doing and to share the diy projects and decorating I was doing along the way..but in time, it grew to be so much more, not just for me but for many of you.
You see, in 2016/2017, we moved onto our farm that we purchased…and Facebook did something crazy. They created LIVE VIDEO streaming! Because of this, I started going live and sharing my journey with you in a new way. Before this time, all you had was my written content. I would share stories, projects, devotions, etc in written form…and I connected that way- but THIS was a real game changer! I would soon get to know each of you in a whole new way, more intimately than ever before…and you would start to see into my life in a whole new way that I never expected.
I could have never guessed what would take place these next few years as we journeyed together through my years in the single wide while we built our home. You laughed with me, cried with me, watched the Re-Fabbed Boutique come into fruition, watched my kids grow, watched me progress as a business woman and watched my business change drastically during the last 10 years.
I let you in on so many parts of my life as we built our home and our business, but what I never expected was the toll it could possibly one day take on me as a person.
Let me explain…
I would not change anything about my life in the online space, but what I would change is the boundaries that I feel I didn’t set as well as I should have. While you only see a very tiny portion of my life, I know many of you have become very invested, and I completely get that and feel as though so many of you are some of my dearest friends. Friendship in the online space is VERY REAL, and many of you have gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life with your encouragement and prayers. I have gotten gifts, cards, emails, private messages, comments, etc through the years simply lifting me up and showing me your love and I could never say thank you enough.
The problem is, when change happened, such as my recent move to Tennessee, I noticed that somehow a boundary had not been set as to my private life and the decisions we make as a family that are completely OURS to make on our own. I realized that over the past few years of sharing, some have began to feel like my life is perhaps not even my own anymore…that it is somehow theirs and is theirs to decide what is best. I began to see that my life was more critiqued and judged and gone over with a fine tooth comb than I had ever truly realized.
While I had always done the same things each day, in the same places each day…nobody understood that our family also had plans and other ideas in our life that I never bring to the public, LOTS more. We pray and talk and share and do things that are not always conventional or understood, but we always do what we believe is best for US and OUR FAMILY.
We made that move to Tennessee after MONTHS and MONTHS of prayer and consideration…and at that point in time, we believed fully that it was God’s will. We still believe it was, although we had to make the hard decision to move back to Kentucky, which is where we are now (and no, not back to our same house). We never expected to come back at all, especially this soon…but nothing catches God by surprise.
There ended up just being way too much going on back in Kentucky for us to be down in Tennessee. We just didn’t know how much we would truly need to be there. We had obviously taken all of that into lots of prayerful consideration, but you never truly know how something will be until you do it. We LOVED TENNESSEE. We loved the school. We loved the people. We made friends. The kids made friends. Our short time there was impactful to say the least.
You see, sometimes I believe God just wants our obedience. He wants to know we are willing. We were. We did what we felt called to do, as scary as it was. We heard all the talk, but guess what?
We simply were following what we truly believed God was telling us to do. End of story. And one day, we will know why…and even if we don’t, it was still for good. That doesn’t make it less hard.
I hope our kids see our faith in the unknown and scary and still choose to obey. I hope they see that God is in all the details, even when they can’t understand. I hope they see that the truth is always the truth, even when lies spread. I hope they see. And I hope they know.
And I hope that you know…
I hope you know that I am just a 40 year old woman who started a blog 10 years ago and followed her heart and God’s calling…and it led to more than she could ever dream. It also led to a life that gets looked at through a microscope that I never wanted, yet I welcome to a degree because it comes with the territory…but not to the detrimation of my family or my kids.
I love to share with you. I am vulverable. I am as real as they come.
I love to decorate. I love to craft. I love to share thoughts and stories and devotions. But, I do not have to justify or even share every intimate detail of my life or my families lives and decisions, no matter what that is. That is not fair, and that is a boundary I will can’t allow to be crossed. It has to be held with the utmost respect and privacy, and it has to have peace attached to it. When it affects my kids and family, it is too much. It is actually too much even when it affects me like it has.
I can’t say thank you enough for being here along my journey and welcoming me into your homes. I hope I have always done the same for you. I will never take this platform for granted, and I will never take your support for granted. It has blessed me in ways I could never imagine.
As we journey through this next stage of life, I am excited for the days ahead…and I can’t wait to take you along for the ride! I hope you will continue to join me.
Last Updated on October 24, 2024
Bless your precious heart. I hope there is waaaaay more positive than negative. You are blessing to me. Prayers for you and your sweet family.
Thank you for sharing this. I completely understand. We have had changes that God said this is what I want and we didn’t understand but later could see beyond the shadow of a doubt what His plan was. Looking forward to what He has in store for you and your refabbed family❤️. Prayers
I respect you for setting boundaries. It’s your life & no one on this earth has the right to question you or your decisions. I’m glad you posted this because I was becoming worried that something was really wrong. I’m praying for you & your family. Stay true to yourself, we love you for it.
Thanks for sharing whatever you want to share Brooke
Brooke, what ever you and your family choose for you and Family is yours and Gods to determine! Amen 🙏❤️
Love you! You just keep following God! You don’t have to explain anything to anyone.
I have no idea about you but that you are an amazing human being and I pray God blesses beyond your dreams. I have followed you for years. Not up front but enough to trust what you say and know that you truly love the Lord. To hear you explain the Lifewave. Im blown away with its affects. Thnk you for introducing that to me. You are obviously doing what the Lord has instructed so keep on❤️. You have a precious family. They are worth more than any business❤️😘
Prayers and love for and your family.
I am so excited for you and your family.
Dear Brooke! I do enjoy your crafting, storytelling and sharing your love for Jesus and your family! I’m sorry that people don’t show respect and have hurt you🥲 please know that many people are with me in saying, keep doing what you ❤️.
We love you
Cindy K🩷
I feel you share so so much of your life with us but people need to understand even you have boundaries and there are something’s that are just simply none of our busyness ! You don’t owe anyone an explanation or reason why you and your family do the things you do ! You do what you feel God is calling you to do ! There was a reason he sent y’all to Tennessee for a short time and we don’t always know or understand why he has us do some of the things he does !
I really just enjoy what you do share and I know even you get privacy and owe none of your followers an explanation or make anyone understand why you and your family do things the way you do ! That’s called invasion of privacy ! I see you tell us what you want to and once again I for one understand you have to have boundaries! I will be following you for as long as you’ll have us !
Thank you Brook for ALL that you share and help us with, from decorating to what we wear and when you just chat with us about God and life!!!!!!
Whatever you do you will succeed ❣️
Brooke Riley,
You are definitely a beautiful soul. God Bless You and your family, always. I knew I connected with you. I am a very private person and I totally get what you are saying. Lots of admiration for you, Little Lady! Continue your journey.
Peace, Joy and Love to you!
That was so unbelievably powerful! You continue to be such an incredible reflection of Christ by being obedient to your Father’s will, no matter what! Wherever He leads you and your family is THEE best place to be. ♥️
Brooke I can’t imagine what your life has been like! I am so thankful that you share so much with us and TOTALLY understand the boundaries that you and your family needs as we all do. Can’t wait to see what you want to share with us!
Lifting you and your family up in prayer!
Grow where God plants you! Or transplants even😄
Love, and prayers for you, and your family!! May God continue to bless you!! I truly enjoy being a part of this community!!❤️🙏🏼
I love that you’ve shared your story. Brooke you are beautiful inside & out. You are so talented & creative. You’re right God doesn’t make mistakes.
Love & prayers to you & your beautiful family ❤️🙏🏻
I wasn’t aware that you and your family had moved back to Kentucky! Not sure how I missed that! Just know that whatever, you chose to do is between you and God! It’s no one’s business but yours. You continue doing what is best for your family. If more people were as faithful as you, this world would be a much better place.
Thank you for sharing Brooke .
Much love and prayers, sweet Brooke. I’m a long time follower and have enjoyed your blog and lives and watching your business grow. I have always admired you and your boldness in your faith and sharing our Lord with your followers. May God always bless you and Brandon and your family as you continue to follow him.
Love and prayers for each of you.
Thank you for sharing your heart always Brooke. I completely understand and respect your need for boundaries. I appreciate what you share with us. Thank you for being unapologetically you!
Love following your journey Brooke
Thank you so much for caring enough about us to share these most intimate details. I applaud your trust in God in following His leading wherever it may be. He knows our beginning, where we are at this moment AND the ending. He just asks us to trust and walk by faith. You and your family are truly inspirational and heroes for each of us. Thank you sincerely!
You should never have to explain you or your families life decisions, unless YOU want to. Period. And you should never take what other people “think” is best for YOU and YOUR family into consideration. This is your life and you are free to live it how your family wants or needs to live it.
Only you and your family knows what’s best for you and your family!
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life and for sharing your family with us. I only hope you continue to craft with us, shop with us and continue to allow us to be a part of your life, the parts you want to share.
You are truly an inspiration for women. Keep your family always close to your heart and may your faith guide you.
WOW!! I am flabbergasted!! I am waiting to move in our new house. I can’t even imagine getting settled and up and move again. Brooke you never cease to amaze me. Your faith is strong. I wish I had that kind of faith.
Be happy! Because everything is gonna be alright.
Thanks for sharing Love. I love you and your family. It’s been such a joy to watch you grow. I appreciate your vulnerability, and that you are up close and personal with all that you choose to share. God’s got this and I believe He will honor your obedience to continue to follow Him. You are such a strong testimony to God’s testimony and faithfulness. Don’t back down. Don’t give in. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. In due season you shall reap. Praying for you and your family. Love you Sweetheart.
I absolutely adore you. You are one amazing women Brooke Riley.!! To know you is to love you. Your heart is a big as Texas. Your soul is pure as gold. Thank you for sharing your life with everyone and i consider you a friend. Your have gotten me through alot, by watching you grow all those years. You have inspired me so much in everything you do. Your decorating, your DIYs, yours blogs, to traveling, your boutique style, your kindness, and your spirituality.. and Christmas time.!! You always put God first. No matter where you are, or where you got I will always. follow. Stay focused on what matters to you and your family. I wish you all the best in this world. You deserve it. You cant please everyone. You matter.! Love always your My fan. Pamela
I appreciate this more than you know! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤️
I have followed you from the beginning, I will follow you forever. You are a beacon of hope, life, determination and love. Keep following god and his will for you and your family.
Brooke, I glad to see your smiling face. It is always a joy when scrolling through FB or just reading and watching you in actions. I have seen more smiles and happiness than tears from you and you’re always uplifting bring joy to so many through sharing your talents and love for your family and God. Thank you and may others always remember you are a real person making decisions in life with your family and loved ones in mind, no different than any other child of God! Thank you for being you and glad you have set boundaries for your well being. May God bless you with many more years of sharing His love and the talents He has blessed you with!
Oh Brooke I completely understand. People can take such liberties. But we know that when God is in every move you make you will soon see God’s hand in every move.
I pray for you all. I hope that whatever or wherever you do or decide to go that we can still be a source of comfort.
Love ya Big,
Mary Beth Schwamm
May God continue to bless you and your family. I am a long time follower/supporter of Re-Fabbed and Re-Fabbed Boutique.
I pray you find the balance that you and your family so deserve. I love you and want only the best for you!!
You are so beautiful, Love watching all your crafts etc. You are an inspiration to us all.
God bless you.
“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”
Romans 11:33 NIV
I love this verse from our Lord. We can’t always know his judgments, we can’t always see where He is going. But when we follow His call, it’s a blessing to see His back because then we know we are following Him. You are following Him, sweet Brooke, not the whims of man. Thank you and your family for your transparency and obedience, and keep walking forward. Amen.
Life can throw a lot of curveballs at us and staying in the Word and listening to that still small voice is the best we can do to secure the peace of mind that God wants for us. The Bible says to look to Him and not to the left or the right, but I think if it was written today, it would include not to look online either. From where I sit, you’re doing an amazing job ~ just keep those blinders on and keep going. He’s got you… He always has.
God’s blessings on your new journey!!!
I’ll always follow you. You’ve helped me grow spiritually, and for that I am truly blessed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hang in there and never let anyone past your boundaries. Love you my online friend.
I love how you addressed that you don’t owe anyone any explanation for your and your family choices. I get that 100% and share in your thought on this. Not everyone will understand and be okay with your decisions, even those closest to you but they don’t have you be OK, you do, your family does. Your doing amazing and you know God is pointing you in the right direction always! Bless you all! As they say home is where the heart is ❤️
You have always been an inspiration to me with your devotions and your honesty and just being real!(and your crafts!❤️)
God bless you and your family!🙏🏻
Brooke, I been with you since first live when you were living in double wide trailer and love ❤️ everything about you and your family and crafting and love for God ! You do what is best for you and your family! I believe it’s important first and listening to God wherever he takes you! Lots of love and support and prayers for you! We completely understand!
Bless you Brooke! Whatever you want to share with us we will take. We all love you and your family. There is a reason for everything that took place. Your decisions are yours and we will continue to follow you wherever that may be. It has just seemed that you were not yourself lately and I was truly worried about you.
Love you, Brooke. Praying for all of you for each step of your journey and His leading.
Bless you and your family. GOD HAS A Plan.
Maybe God lead you to Tennessee to have you realize how much you needed to be in Kentucky. It may have been for others to see how much they needed you in their lives and to appreciate all that you do!For you to appreciate all that you have here in Kentucky. As long as you do what is best for you and your family and follow God, you can never go wrong!❤️
You follow your God and always do what’s best for your family and you! Your true followers aren’t going anywhere! I’ve followed you since you lived in the trailer! You are so genuine! Never change! Keep your family private if you need to! We will still follow and love you and your family! Love you, Brooke!👏🏻🙏💜
First of all I would like to just say I am so sorry that you have been made to feel this way. We should be happy for what you do want to share, and the rest is none of our business. And what you do share is not for us to judge. I have only been in the community for a few months, and I adore you and that you are willing to be obedient to God. You are amazing. I will be praying for you in the days ahead and for your kiddo’s. I know they loved their new school and was flourishing so I pray they will make the transition back to Kentucky well.
Hi Brooke I have been following your blog on Facebook for a few years and always enjoy your content. I love the way you share your faith and some days that is all that I get from God. I live in Canada and am completely jealous about the availability of the craft items in Hobby Lobby and Dollar General! Because of you I now look for those stores when I travel. Convincing my husband to stop at them is another thing altogether!. It sounds like the move to Tennessee was hard and then to move back to Kentucky was unexpected. One thing I know about God is that he will not always tell you his plans but years later looking back you may see his leadership in your life. Continue to do his work and follow his calling and you can never go wrong. A sister in Christ. Susan Nichols
You are truly an inspiration to me and people of all ages.
It is sad you even have to set boundaries especially when you should be considered a Business! Yes we all love you ! Enjoy all that you decorate , sell , craft but it doesn’t give people the right to dig into your life bring your kids into it . Them people need to leave well enough alone ! You be you & yours ! Faith , Joy , Peace & Love ! I am so happy to hear your all healthy and doing good with decisions & change .. Also please tell me you brought them pink chairs back with you for your new home because they are the bomb and they make you SOOO HAPPY 😊
Stay safe & healthy 🤍🤍🤍
I am sorry you have been talked about and rumors have spread about your family. I along with many followers have been blessed to get to come along on your journey. I appreciate what you choose to share with us but we should never have the audacity to expect you to share every detail about your life, I pray peace and blessings for you and yours. I hope you have silenced the critics and that you are Brandon and the kids are abundantly happy, wherever you call home. Many blessings ❤️
You are an inspiration yo so many people who enjoy all your post . It was so good seeing your post. Hang in there and do what you need to do for you and you family. I will always follow and watch your videos and lives. Keep on with the work that you are called to do. Love and prayers🙏❤️
Well said Brooke! Have enjoyed your posts for a few years now and I hope you continue on as usual!
Oh Brooke, this is so timely because this very thing has been on my mind. I have so wondered how you become so much to so many and yet still have your own life. You express yourself, your life, your work, your love of God and family so well. I dont know how you do it all. God bless you and your lovely family. I hope you can continue to do the things you love and yet have a private life. Nothing but prayers for peace and joy in your life.
It took me way to long to figure out how to comment but I finally figured it out because I wanted to make sure someone told you how thankful they are you listen to the leading of the Lord in your life for your decisions and your precious home. Praying Gods strength and peace over your mind and home. Much love, Sabrina
Brooke, all those key points were on point!
I and many others stand behind you and your families decision! Y’all’s faith will not stir you wrong! So keep doing all the things that so many of us here appreciate and are grateful for! You get most of us through the day and we Thank you!
Love from Locust Grove Georgia!!
Brooke, all those key notes were on point!
I and many others stand behind you and your families decision! Y’all’s faith will not stir you wrong! So keep doing all the things that so many of us here appreciate and are grateful for! You get most of us through the day and we Thank you!
Love from Locust Grove Georgia!!
Brooke I pray the best for you and your family! You are right you do not have to share everything about you and your family! You are a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart! I really respect you and your family! It is none of our business to know everything, but we should pray for you and support your decisions! It has to be hard to be in the spotlight all the time! I will say if you are doing God’s will, then you are doing what is best! I think you have a wonderful family and wonderful employees! Love you
Brooke, I have watched & learned so many awesome crafts & decor from your teaching for many years. You are an American sweetheart with a generous heart of gold, a love for Christ, Family, friends, employees, and us fans/ followers. I felt in my heart as a Mother & Mimi that your smile had gotten lost somewhere in the move. But, I never spoke a word, not my place, not my business, plus I do not know you personally, and as a fan, I knew God would work things through….so I prayed for your family. Stay true to God, yourself & family, nothing else matters. So glad you posted & please do not let anyone make you feel like you have to share your personal life. We all have the right to our privacy. God bless you sweetheart, continued prayers for you & your beautiful family. I love you, and look forward to learning new crafty & decor ideas. Take care, God bless.
Bless you Brooke and your family. I love your crafting videos, and you spiritual talks.. I admire you for all your accomplishment ,but your family should be personal.. God knows what he is doing in your life , he doesn’t make mistakes. Love you for you.. always happy and up…judi
I think the interest in your move may have been sparked by your adamant conviction that you were being called to move by God’s voice. You were also very convincing that it was right for all of you and a completed circle of where your husband had his early job offer. I was convinced that your mom was God driven, so it helps that you also share that maybe it was part of God’s plan. I often think we have to be open to the possibility that we didn’t hear in full or understand the message. Or possibly that it will be revealed later or not in this lifetime. As the Bible states in Romans- who knows the mind of God? By sharing the details of your move then change, you are sharing your spiritual journey. I hope that doesn’t change. I know I’m interested not in the nitty gritty, but in the path God takes others on and knowing that I’m on a path too.
Love following you prayers for you and your family. Will you move back to your beautiful house y’all built beautiful .