While some women love to go to the mall and shop for designer shoes, I am far more interested in going to a flea market or thrift store. Show me a pile of “junk” and my little heart beats faster and I am overwhelmed with feelings of possibility and beauty!

To me, an old piece with character that can be re-purposed is far more exciting and fun to purchase than a new piece! Do you agree!?!
So, when I am out and about at a glorious place such as Anything Goes here in Boaz, KY- right down the road from me (about 10 min)–I get super excited.

I shared a LIVE VIDEO on Facebook from there, and even though I was out of my comfort zone, everyone loved it and wanted to visit there!
I just thought that today I would share some still shots of some of the goodies I saw that day! (**I did NOT buy everything in these photos- I just highlighted my favorite things**)
I also wanted to share how my mind works in a place such as this!
I DID buy this lovely! As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted it. It is small, the color is my favorite, and the rusty goodness stole my heart. I “see” this sitting on a shelf in a vignette to bring texture and color to a space!
Spindles are my very favorite, period.
People ask me all the time- “But what do you do with them”…
Well, I never truly know what I will do- but many times they work great for making candle holders or are even just visually appealing as a part of a display in various parts of your home. I also love them as fun table legs or for making a tiered stand, etc… The possibilities are ENDLESS!
So all of these spindles not make your heart skip a beat?????
I didn’t get any of these on my trip…but I am planning to go back soon and grab one. I just love the top 2!
I bought the red skis (old water skis I believe)- and they were just $5 for the PAIR. Too good to pass up for sure!
Even though they are water and not snow, I will be using them for Christmas, and I can’t WAIT! I see front porch decor!
I also love me some old rusty metal.
While I LOVE beautiful new items, there is something so fun and textural about old metal. I love mixing it in with the new and having both styles represented in my home.
I got several of these smaller pieces, and I am not totally sure what I am doing with them yet- but they were too beautiful to be left there for someone else to take home!
I LOVE this old school desk! My mom got my daughter one a few years ago and painted it and put her name on it..and she loves it.
I should have bought this one. Having a little bit of remorse over here. I may go back and snag it.
Maybe someone can tell me what this is? I bought it for $3 because I loved it and thought it would be a super neat piece to have in my laundry room.
Ok, so many won’t see my vision here…but I got excited about these old jar tops. I grabbed a couple of old peanut butter ones and a few coffee ones. I plan to use the coffee ones in my coffee bar area in the new home. Of course I will share when it is done. My husband lacks my vision on this one! LOL
How could I walk away from ALLLL of these paint sticks??? I mean, they are PLAIN with no writing. I can get them at Lowes or Home Depot all day for free- but they aren’t plain like this. Really cool DIY coming soon!
Have you ever seen so many old windows in all of your life? If you need a window, THIS is the place to come. And I mean an old, rusted window perfect for a cool DIY!
I also love all of the old wood that they have laying around. Such unique pieces that you can use for various projects!
And old chairs GALORE! And I am a true sucker for an old chair…..just having random ones in random places makes me happy!
I am tellin’ y’all…this place is a gem! If you love junkin’ like I do- you need to make a stop here! It is called Anything Goes and it is located in Boaz, KY. You can find them on Facebook HERE.
P.s. NO, I am not being paid for this post. I live here and love this place and go here allll the time! I just wanted to share and spread some love 🙂
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One last thing! Make SURE you are following along on Social Media and by EMAIL (the MOST important follow!- you never know when social media could take a nose dive! You want to stay in the loop!!!)
Last Updated on November 4, 2020
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The piece with the clothes hanger, could that be a seamstress thing? The little tray would hold pins and such.
I think your mystery item is a man’s valet. The little tray is for things from a pocket, and a suit jacket can be hung on it to “air”. It would be handy in a laundry room!
The piece is for a man to hang his suit coat on, hang pants on the rod, empty his pockets in the tray. I believe it may be called a valet.
That awesome treasure you have is a men’s valet. Hang his coat on it and empty his pockets. Cool piece.
That item is a “man’s valet”.
I love junk.someone junk.another one treasure
Boy do I love “junk” too!! Lol
I’m coming to Kentucky in August…and Anything Goes Trading, is definitely on my list of places to visit (I hope!). I recently found a bunch of unused spindles, hiding in a closet at my old house…and I can’t wait to do something fun with them!!
I think it is for a man’s suite with the tray for keys and change. These were used years ago when suits were more popular.
I think it’s a man’s baker. He would hang his pants and coat on it and the gray was fur his articles in his pockets. I love junkin would love to visit there. I had an old desk like the one in the picture. When I moved my apt was ti small for it. But my boys used it when I lived in a bigger home. I love spindles. I have my granddaddy’s old rocking chair I have a rocking chair that sat in the funeral home porch when I was about 12 years old the man gave it ti my granddaddy ( my Daddy he raised me it’s cane bottom I can not find anyone ti fix it but it is sitting in my storage room. I love old chairs have my grandmothers ( my Mamma) I hope to fix them. We must be sisters if another mother I live all the tin all old things. Just need a bigger house. You did good your program was a success. Everyone loves you.
Love seeing these items!! Love junking.k
The mystery item is 100% a man’s valet. He hangs his suit jacket or shirt around the shoulder and outs coins, cufflinks, etc in tray. Very common item in the 70s.