When we were in the planning process of building our home, I KNEW I wanted to incorporate built-ins for the living room. I knew they would be the perfect place to decorate for each season- and they have NOT disappointed me yet!
Along with my mantel in the living room, I love to change out the decor in each built-in per season. It’s such a fun way for me to express my creativity, AND to make the space more festive!
Today, I’m taking you through each built-in, and giving you a close-up look on how I decided to style each one!
Let’s start with the left side…
On the lowest shelf, I decided to mix together both old AND new. You’ll see that very chippy, but GORGEOUS corbel holding up a little plant, along with my favorite color vase (that a precious follower sent to me) and a floral picture that I scored on clearance at Hobby Lobby!
On the shelf right above, I have this antique piece that I bought from a friend on facebook- I LOVE the contrast it brings against the white shiplap! I simply just added this cute little cow print right on a knob! (The cow print is from Hobby Lobby a few years ago)
Moving on up! I think the star of the show from this section of built-ins is the Mercury glass vase… pictures don’t even do it justice!!! I found it from a local shop in Brentwood, TN called The Snooty Fox!
Can’t you tell that I love to LAYER?! It really takes your decorating game to a whole new level… trust me!!
On to the right side!
Again… I’m always mixing together old with new! On both shelves, you can see that I incorporated vintage/rustic items (that I actually found from JUNK stores) but also included store bought items as well!
You might notice that little flower painting in the left photo… I actually made that on a live video! You can watch that HERE.
The blue piece on this shelf is actually an antique that was sent to me by a follower! I love it SO much, and it looks great against the natural elements I have layered in the back! I’m not 100% sure, but I THINK the woven circle sign came from TJMaxx!
Last shelf y’all! Again, added more neutrals to the back, and added a nice pop of color front and center!
The yellow vase came from At Home stores, and the mossy vase was purchased from a local boutique years ago!
I hope y’all enjoyed the walk through of my Spring built-ins! They are SO much fun for me to decorate, and I love sharing them with y’all in hopes it gives you inspiration 😊
Last Updated on April 7, 2021
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Beautiful Brooke, you are amazing.
Bottom left is my most fave!! I love it all tho!
First of all….I absolutely love your eye for design, and what looks good together!! The mix of old and new, really does give your built ins, so much more character!! Our new house has open shelving in my kitchen (which I wasn’t a big fan of initially)…and I’ve had fun decorating them with each holiday!!
I love it all. It could be used different ways. I like how you took it and used a hymn with it. Nice touch for Christmas.