Y’all are never gonna believe this…but as I looked through my Christmas decor, I realized I have ONE thing with a snowman on it…just ONE! I had to change that, because that is just unacceptable! I found a wooden snowman cutout at Hobby Lobby and decided to paint it to go on my TREEEEE.
I just love how it turned out!
I will try to walk you step by step what I did, so hopefully I make good sense LOL
Supplies Needed:
*some are linked with my referral link for convenience*
Wooden Snowman cutout
Acrylic Craft Paint: white, black, light pink, orange
Hot glue gun
Embellishments for hat
Scrapbook paper for the hat and buttons
mod podge
First, I painted the snowman white! (except the hat! We are adding scrapbook paper to it!)
Once I had a couple of coats of white on him, I took some of my gray and added JUST A TAD bit to the sides for some highlights! You can kind of see that on the next picture.
After that dried, I traced some super cute black and white striped scrapbook paper for the hat and then mod podged it on!!
Now onto the next step! I picked some super cute scrapbook paper for my scarf and cut it down to size to look like a scarf. I don’t know what I am doing LOL so I did the best I could!
Once my scarf was all ready, I mod podged it on!
Now it is time for the BUTTONS! I decided to use the same scrapbook paper for my buttons! I simply cut them into circles (I didn’t measure)! After cutting them, I mod podged them onto my snowman!
Now onto the PAINTING of the face! The fun part!
You do NOT have to be a good painter to paint a snowman face, I promise. I am 100% not the best painter. I realize I didn’t take pictures of the process, but as you can see, I made 2 oval eyes and squiggly eyebrows, an orange crooked carrot nose and some light pink polka dots as cheeks 🙂 Not hard at all! Don’t be scared…just go for it!
You may also notice the embellishments on the hat! I took a pick from Walmart and dissected it apart to make the fun little side part of the hat! I also just took a piece of ribbon and glued it across the part of the hat that intersected with the painting!
OH YEAH…and one more thing! When complete, I sprayed my whole snowman down with mod podge spray and then sprinkled iridescent glitter allllll over it!
And……now for the FINISHED product on my living room tree!
I LOOOOVE HIM! Why do I not have more snowmen???? Like, for real? He looks super cute on my tree!
I keep going back and forth on whether or not I need to add stick arms….What is your opinion?
Last Updated on November 23, 2021
Yes, he needs arms.
I love the snowman! Beautiful! I like him just the way he is!
I love him! I’m torn, I like him without arms. But think he would be cute with arms too.
Stick arms would be cute on one with a purse!
Yes!! He needs some little stick arms! ❤️
Definitely needs arms lol but he is so cute so again off to hobby lobby to get the snowman. Thanks for explaining how to do it.
Very cute snowman
Arlene Focht
Love the snowman! Please post a picture of the snowman on the tree. Can’t wait to see it! Thanks, Brooke!
He is so handsome!! No arms needed!! I love him ❄❄❄❄
Hi Brooke! I think you’re crafts are beautiful and so creative! I would have gone back and forth on the arms or no arms snowman. We don’t get snow where I live (south, south, Louisiana) and have only had snow twice in my lifetime. I love it without the arms but I probably would have put the arms on and off like 50 times already! I have just recently discovered your website and I’m still exploring it but do you know anything about the diy wool felt animals? I have an 11 year old who is so curious about it! I’m clueless where to even start! Thanks!
Love it! Super cute!
I love the snowman as is. No arms needed. He is so cute!!! I love how he turned out.
I love him, he’s so cute! I’ve always loved snowmen.
Super cute! If stuffing in a tree, it would be hard to do with arms on him, but otherwise I’d say, add the arms.