Let me give you a glimpse into my weekend, shall I?
Eden was working on a craft project, which was totally fine and normal. She came inside to throw away what she didn’t need, and she missed the trashcan… resulting in red. paint. EVERYWHERE.
Of course she got upset. Of course I was mad in the moment… as most people would be. But you know what? I quickly realized to not cry over red paint.
You see- we all make mistakes. We ALL mess up. NONE of us are perfect. We might FEAR that our mistakes won’t wash out of our lives… but guess what? With the power of Jesus, they certainly do.
Let this red paint represent our sins… splattered where everyone can see. No matter how much we might try and clean it up and hide what we’ve done, we can never truly wash it out…. on our own.
The bible tells us that by confessing our sins to Him, He will COMPLETELY wash them away- and leave us white as snow. How powerful is that? How comforting is it knowing that we ALL make mistakes… but HE forgives us and cleanses us totally.
And for my brick floor? Thankfully, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this red paint wouldn’t phase it one bit. I have TRIED to tell y’all how easy it is to clean, but I am not sure you believe me!!!
I have a whole post dedicated to how I clean my brick flooring, but I wanted to give this tutorial a moment of glory… because if this doesn’t make you believe that my brick flooring is where it’s at, then I’m not sure what will.
All I used was hot water, a towel, and dawn dish soap.
That’s it.
And look… it’s completely clean. There was literally no trace of the red paint anymore.
Just like when confessing our sins, we are completely clean.
Thank you Jesus for little “God Winks” (as I call them) in life… and for revealing yourself to me in little ways like this.
Moral of the story: God forgives our mistakes, and my brick floor from Old Mill Brick is amazing! If you have any questions or concerns about this flooring… be sure to read my post that tells you EVERYTHING you need to know!
But that black and white rug… not so much. LOL!
Last Updated on September 16, 2021
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Lordy girl! You about gave this Christian grandma a heart attack! So thankful for your God given attitude in life Brooke so others may see the good through your eyes. It truely us your gift. I think there is a bit of a miricle in the dawn soap and the brick flooring that matches the symbol of the washing of our sins for sure!
Ahhh……mazing! I can feel Eden’s relief!
Hey if you havent washed and dried that rug I have a hack to get it out. I paint doorhangers and have done this myself. Oxyclean pet stain remover will get it out. I spray and leave then scrub and spray a
Gain a d then wash sometimes takes 2 times of this but it will come out same with clothes if alchohol doesnt bring out. Something in that pet stainer remover eats the paint away. Thanks for all you do and your great craft ideas.
Misty ward
I love how transparent you are Brooke. Just think of how well you kept from being negative towards Eden. You allowed yourself to be in control of your emotions. There isn’t anything worth getting angry over because it could damage your relationship with your child. You are truly an inspiration to me. I loved this story.
Thanks for sharing!
“Wash me as white as snow!”
Yaaaaay!! So glad you were able to get it out 🙌🏼! Poor Eden!! Lol