While this blog post is very different from what you are used to over here on Re-Fabbed, it is one that I am super passionate and excited about writing! You see, I was asked to be a mentor at Haven Conference, which is a huge deal to me…as Haven is THE GO TO conference for bloggers in the creative industry! The fact that I will be one of the mentors for these amazing bloggers to learn from is both humbling and soooo stinkin’ exciting!!!
So…..a little about my journey….
4 years ago, I started out on the most amazing journey of my life…BLOGGING.
What’s funny is that I didn’t even truly know what a blog was. I didn’t read blogs, and I didn’t have the slightest idea about what to do or how to do it…I just knew that I wanted to share my ideas with the world…plain and simple.
In starting out, I literally busted my tail day and night to learn and implement everything I possibly could so that I could get my blog going so that people would READ IT! There were so many long hours, frustrations, winning moments, tears, and every other thing in between. I found out quickly that blogging wasn’t for the faint of heart, but MY OH MY how my heart LOVED every second of it!
Let’s fast forward to NOW!
Throughout the 4 years, I have experienced many things through blogging. I have experienced having the most LOYAL and SUPPORTIVE group of followers that anyone could ever have, and it has become a family to me. I have met friends, shared tears, shared joys, been inspired, inspired others…and experienced life changing moments…all because of this blog.
Now, let me share a little about this blog and a little about me!
As most of you know, I am Brooke- the face behind the blog Re-Fabbed. I am a 35 year old Christian, wife to Brandon and mother to Eden and Blaize! My faith and family are #1 to me, first and foremost.
I absolutely LOVE to create things. I love making old things new, decorating spaces, renovating homes, crafting and DIY’ing and everything in between!
You may think that the name Re-Fabbed simply means “refabbing” a project to make it new again. Well, if you think that- you are partially correct! BUT…the name encompasses more than that. It encompasses everything I am.
God cleaned up, sanded down and re-fabbed ME in my life. He made me NEW! He gave me new life in Him, and that is what my life stands for. So with every piece or space that is transformed, it is a representation of what HE did for me. I love that about my name. It has such a strong meaning to me…
Now, to share a little about Haven and what to expect…as well as some advice from me to you!
Haven can be a little intimidating. I am a straight shooter, so I want you to know that from the get go. BUT…soooooo many of the bloggers there are so kind and approachable…and they WANT to get to know you. And never forget, so many people feel the EXACT SAME way you do. They are new too…and they don’t know anyone either. Never be scared to say hi and reach out to someone to make new friends. It can be scary at first, but it is so worth it.
You WILL make friends. You WILL start to feel more comfortable. You WILL get connected. Just put yourself out there. Trust me, it is hard for me too…but it is so worth it!
When you connect with other people in your industry like you do at Haven, it can be life changing. So many people do not understand what we do or how it works, so as much as they may want to be there for you- they just don’t know how. Having friends in this industry can make you feel so much less lonely. They “get you”! They are going through the same struggles that you are!
My last bit of advice is that there will be LOTS of brands there! This is an awesome thing, but I suggest that you look around and see who you truly want to work with and focus your attention on those brands. It can be overwhelming if you don’t get some kind of a plan together!
Some tips:
Be prepared to meet lots of new friends. Take business cards. You will need them to give to other blogging friends as well as the many brands that are represented!
Dress comfortably! You will do a lot of sitting- and the rooms are sometimes pretty chili! I would suggest layers 馃檪
Take a notebook and pen because you WILL WANT to write sooooo many things down to remember!
Make sure you have enough room to take all of the swag and prizes home with you! It does help to bring a little backpack or something for carrying around the material you get, any extra little swag gifts, etc…even while you are in the conference.
Do NOT be intimidated to talk to bloggers who you feel like are a “big deal”. They are just like you! They work hard like you, they started at zero like everyone else, and they put their pants on the same way you do! I may have 469K followers on Facebook, but I can promise you- there is ZERO REASON for me to ever in a million years think I am one single bit better than someone with 469, and I can PROMISE you that I look at them NO different. I feel certain many of the other bloggers with larger followings feel the same way. Please take this to heart and remember this.
I am heading into Haven this year ready to meet people and make new friends! I don’t have a “group” of friends that I will be meeting up with. I WANT to meet you. I want to connect with you, whether you are in my mentor group or not! Come say hi! Tell me who you are! Tell me about your business. I cannot wait to hear all about it.
Soak it all up and HAVE FUN!
Last Updated on November 4, 2020
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