When I first started this blog a mere 3 months ago, I had so many things going through my head. I had a “direction” I wanted it to go, but to be honest, I am not sure I truly knew and understood exactly what that direction was. I knew I loved to write, always have…{as long as it is writing about something I love}, but I also knew I loved to make things pretty, whether that be decorating, DIY projects or whatever. I wanted to incorporate those 2 loves into one, but have found it somewhat hard to do. I want the blog to have a clear focus, and I don’t want that focus to be me. I don’t want it to even be the things I do or the things I create. I honestly want this blog to be focused on the One who gave me the talent to do these things…the One who sustains me daily and encourages me immensely through every day of my life, no matter what the day holds. I want it to be focused on giving Him the glory for even being able to do what I love everyday and sharing it with you. It truly brings me GREAT joy when I hit publish and get feedback that my words have touched you, or that my project helped inspire you. That is why I love doing this! It is truly awesome!
In saying all of that, I want to be able to write some posts that are simply my feelings…my heart. For my first post of this nature, I wanted to call it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I named it that because I feel that God has been especially dealing with me in this specific area lately. For those of you who don’t know me personally, I am a planner. I am not super organized {although I work daily trying to do at least a little better!}, but I am a planner. While that sounds like a good thing, and many times, it is…there are certainly times when this can really bring me unrest. I have noticed that because of my planning nature, there are many times that I am missing out on the joy of the moment because I am too busy planning for the next moment. Ouch. That hurts to even type that. I am constantly thinking ahead to the next thing I have to do instead of focusing on what is in front of me. Lately I just keep being reminded to “find joy in the journey”, Brooke. Relax and enjoy these little moments as they are happening. Enjoy your little boy hanging on your leg with each step you take. Enjoy your little girl begging for you to lay with her “one more minute”. Enjoy these moments because they will not be with you forever. The things you are planning will soon pass and before you can even blink, you have missed them all. Yeah, you were there when they happened, but you missed them. You were somewhere else, planning for the next adventure or the next trip, when really…the adventure was happening without you. Goodness, how I need to constantly be reminded of this! It is so convicting for me. There is such joy in every moment, if we aren’t too busy to grab a hold and seize it. God does His best work in the little moments of our lives. The trips to the zoo, the big vacations, the expensive toys…these are all great and wonderful. There is nothing wrong with any of them…but the best moments are those that happen without a camera- that happen when we just sit and watch. Today I watched my kids play together while I actually sat there…yes, actually sat there {doesn’t happen enough}, and I felt so much joy in my heart. They built towers and jumped on the couch and screamed as loud as they could…and I felt as though my heart could burst. My husband came home early, and we sat together just watching them be crazy…and we never stopped smiling. It was nice. It was needed. There is something to be said about those moments. They come along all the time, but so often we are too busy…and we miss them. Don’t miss them. There will be more, but you will never have those. Cherish them. Enjoy them. Find joy in those moments. You know those good ole’ days? Well, we are living them. Do you ever think about that? Everyone reminisces of the good ole days, but when they were happening, did they realize they were living them? I doubt it. How about we change that and realize it now…and live as though we do. How about we live in a way that we want to praise God each and every second because we are so fully aware of what we have that we can’t help but be thankful.
I know God has been prodding at my heart with this for a while now, and it is something I am trying daily to live. I hope it was an encouragement to you as you live your busy life. I hope that you have a great week full of love and laughter…and that even in the smallest of moments, you will realize the magnitude of His love.
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:11
Last Updated on April 28, 2016
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Great inspiration! I enjoy all of your blogs so much. You are beautiful inside and out! I will not only look forward to the enjoyment of new ideas for the home, and fun projects, but warmth for the soul from your new Sunday’s posts. We do miss so many little moments! I am a planner myself so I could definitely relate. You are laying up treasures in Heaven, Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much, Michelle. I really can’t tell you how much that means to me. Thank you for telling me that 🙂 I am really glad you enjoy my blog. I sure enjoy doing it!
Beautifully shared,Brooke.God is good.
Thank you Marilyn!!
I needed this. And I’m a plannerd too so I know there’s a lot I miss. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m looking forward to your Sunday posts!
You are welcome Katie! 🙂 I am definitely working on it too!
Having reached the golden years of my life, Amen and Amen to relishing each moment of life!
Hope you are thoroughly enjoying your golden years!! 🙂
this is such a good post and i would add just one thing, i am 66 and my children grew up right before the electronic boom and i think it would be great as we are watching children in my case grands if we all put down the phones and laptops and really focused on them xx
I could not agree more!!!
Life seems to get crazy with demands on us, but the smart folks do what you did…sit and enjoy the moment, for it is truly all we have. Yesterday will never come again and we are not promised tomorrow. Enjoy God’s gift of today, moment by moment! I’d say you are working on the right priority! I really enjoy reading your blog and now I’ll have even more reason to look forward to your Sunday posts!!
Aw thank you Susan! I love to hear that someone enjoys my blog. It truly makes my day. And your words about life ring so true. We need to stop and savor each and every moment!
Thank you for this. My first graduated this past May and I’m really struggling with the idea he’s grown up too fast! For 10yrs all we knew was football and baseball and riding four-wheelers and just being mom and Tan…I lived alot of little moments with him, but now that he’s doing his own thing; trying to figure out where he fits in the world, I long for little moments again. With Samm; I find myself stopping more and just playing. Because I know how fast she’s going to grow up on me. I’m working to “find the joy in the journey”…it’s so good to know I’m not alone in my struggle 🙂
I think there are so many women out there that can relate to what you are going through right now with your oldest. I can’t imagine how hard that would be. It isn’t easy to stop and acknowledge and cherish each of those little times, but I know they will slip by so fast…and we will wish we had them back. Hoping we can all find that joy in the journey so that there are no regrets later on when these times have passed us by! 🙂
I started reading your blog recently, and I really enjoy it! When I first started reading this post, I raced ahead reading because I thought you had decided to shut it down. Whew, so glad that is not the case. Looking forward to your Sunday posts!
Hugs and blessings from another senior reader, (61 and going strong!)
Aw Lynne. Thank you! Hugs and Blessings to you 🙂 I am glad you enjoy my blog. It is definitely not shutting down. I am finally finding my direction!
Great words, Brooke!! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who is “too busy” to just sit and cuddle for a moment. Housework can wait, grocery shopping can wait, church treasurer work can wait. There are times when I just need to stop and enjoy the life God has blessed me with. Thank you for being an encouragement to me!
Thank you, Becky 🙂 I think we can all relate to letting too many things get in the way of our everyday blessings! I am glad it encouraged you! Love ya!!
Loved reading this! I could see myself in your words. As a retired teacher, I’m trying so hard to take the time to “smell the roses” and enjoy every God given moment with family and friends. You have such a sweet soul. I enjoy all your crafts and Re-Fabbed ideas. God bless you and yours.
I appreciate your words of wisdom!! You made me stop and think of precious moments in my life!! I enjoy your stories!
I loved what you wrote!! It is so true! If I could go back to when my kids were little, I would have done more and been to everything they were in! The Lord is so good to us! More than we deserve!! I am 70 now and when you get older, you do have regrets!! My kids are grown now and they both have beautiful families! I am so proud of them and love them so much!!!
I loved every bit of that amazing and sincere post! Sharing creative d core talent is so fun and exciting! But sharing your faith w us is oh so amazing! God is in love w us and we need to put Him first and remember to take joy in everyday! Happy Easter, Brooke!!
Thank you!! I too, was a planner and couldn’t enjoy one thing until I went to something else. At the age of 70, (I thought the prime of my life, I’m 76 now,) I lost so much of my health I can’t do what I was so accustomed to doing. As I look back I would have enjoyed lots more moments!! Keep it!!
I enjoy your blogs. May God bless you.
This is beautiful, just like you. The reflections of your writings shine through from your spirit. Keep on shining, the world needs more light…like you.