If I have learned one thing in my 32 years of life, it is this- You truly never know what the next day holds. We can make plans, but in the end, God is in control, and He can change them up in a jiffy- and most of the time, He does. When Brandon and I first got married 9 years ago, we talked about the future all the time, as most young married couples do. We knew we wanted children, and we knew we wanted a farm for them to run and play and learn about country life. I grew up with horses, and my whole life consisted of barrel racing and living the country life. It is all I knew. I loved the serenity of being out in the country. It was so peaceful and quiet. I loved the smell of our barn, the dirty boots that tracked dirt all over the place, the late nights riding when Mom would call us to come eat dinner–even though it was already 8:30. I was so used to eating dinner so late {that was a big adjustment when I met Brandon}. I loved my country life. I wanted my kids to feel what I felt and be free to roam and play and explore. Brandon wanted that same thing. He is a hunter, and he loves to be outdoors. He had big dreams of having his own patch of land where he could teach the kids about hunting and fishing and all of those other fun things that the country life provides.
Through the years, we have worked towards meeting those goals. We started off in a nice little home in the city of Mayfield that we fixed up and made our own. We enjoyed the first 2 years of marriage there, working through our differences and learning the ins and outs of what marriage was really about! We then moved to a home on 20 acres- somewhere we “thought” would probably be our forever home, but it never felt totally right and it was just not the right location. It is where Eden and Blaize was born and where lots of great memories were made. But, since we knew it wasn’t the right place for us, we lived there a few years and sold it to move to the home we are in now, The Foreclosure home! It is in a great little neighborhood (which I was not happy about initially because I wanted land), where we have made lifetime friends and have turned an eye sore into a beautiful home. We figured we would live here a few years or however long it took until we could buy our forever home. I anticipated to find a home on some land that we could renovate and make our own. I felt like that made sense, since we love doing that…and it would be far less work than building, to me anyway 🙂 BUT, as I mentioned before…God is in control and has His own plans, which are always better than ours!
We have lived in our current home for almost 3 years, and a few weeks ago, we were approached about some land for sale in the exact area of the county we wanted to be in. Everything about it made sense for us. It is right beside some other family land and butts up to lots of friends’ land that we have permission to use. It is almost 20 acres of farm land, which is just the right amount for us, and it is the perfect spot for us to do what I always said I didn’t want to do- BUILD A HOUSE! Although I had never planned on building, my heart quickly changed when it became a reality. House plans, ideas, etc… became a very fun and exciting adventure that I am now embracing fully. It is going to be crazy…because, well…we won’t be building right away. It is going to be yet another process that will likely entail some sacrificing for a couple of years to build the home of our dreams. It is one of those things that we have decided to do in order to not have a financial burden in the end. It is going to be a crazy ride, and this blog will take lots of twists and turns along the way! But guess what? It is going to be FUN…so you won’t want to miss it!
Here’s a look at our new land 🙂 We are in the process of clearing it out and getting it ready for the rest to take shape soon!
So, in a nutshell, God provides. He provides at times when we are not even expecting it. He has certainly provided for us. When we made the decision for me to come home and be with our kiddos and work my business, I truly believed in my heart that our dreams of the farm life would be on hold for a long time. I was ok with that because I knew this was His plan, and in the end, it was more important to us than a farm. But, what I have learned is that, if we allow God to work, He will. If we follow His will for our lives and step out in faith, He will provide. He has worked in our lives so much, and I would be foolish to not give Him all the glory and all the credit for everything. He has worked in mysterious ways to make things happen for us, and I can’t wait to share this process with you all. I would venture to say that there will be some quite unexpected things ahead, so you won’t want to miss it 🙂
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Last Updated on April 8, 2016
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Oh my goodness, so so happy for you, and I can’t wait to follow along with your journey!! Congrats!!
Thank you so much, Kimm! You are always so sweet 🙂
I am so sad for myself but so happy for you at the same time. I am going to miss knowing you’re just 2 doors away. BUT, that land is beautiful and perfect. And you’re so right, God is all over it. When it’s His plan, He makes a way. I’m so excited to follow along over the next couple of years!!
You know I will miss you like crazy, but I bet I see you even more not being right here! Ha! Thanks for always being a great friend!
Brook, I am so happy for you and your family! But don’t move too far away. You know I’ll be watching!
Thank you, Dianne! We aren’t far at all. Not even a mile from church 🙂
What an exciting adventure! The land is gorgeous and I can’t wait to follow along with the progress. It’s going to be awesome!
Thank you so much, Ashley!! It’s going to be fun!!
SO excited for you Brooke! I cannot wait to see where God leads and what all you will do on this new journey! 🙂
Thank you, Shara! It’s going to be a fun time full of some things that I doubt people would expect LOL
What a beautiful piece of property!! Girl; I can’t wait to follow your adventure! What an amazing, all knowing God we serve 🙂
Aw thank you, Glenna! I sure do appreciate that. So thankful for people who encourage me and love to follow along with my shenanigans! Thank you.
Beautiful land! What a blessing for you and your family! Can’t wait to see it all become your dream home.
Thank you so much, Peggy! We are excited to start the journey!
I am so excited for your family. God is so good and his timing is always right. Will be praying and waiting to see where God takes you and yours. God bless you all. Martha
Thank you very much, Martha. That so so sweet of you. I appreciate it very much.
It seems that you are beginning at about the same place my husband and I did 23 years ago, with land and a little mobile home, and a dream house plan. I can’t wait to see how your great adventure turns out~! Mine turned out to be wonderful, and though not without some bumps in the road, it was all in all a marvelous journey.
We designed our house, I got an architect to draw it as I don’t know how to draw in wiring and plumbing, but those are the only things he added. We secured the land (A really LONG story), and then moved the little trailer in, and a month later started on the house. The foundation subcontractors came and laid the piers and when they were finished my husband went out of town to work and I stayed here and finished the house hiring the subcontractors, ordering the materials and scheduling the deliveries of those materials. I was the contractor and did some of the actual work myself. My husband stayed out of town working for four months, got home three weeks before Christmas, finished laying the pine plank floors and hung some of the interior doors and we moved in, and a week later had 37 people here for an all day family Christmas Party, sit-down dinner and we cooked and ate and cooked and ate some more and had the most wonderful time. Since then things have just gotten better and better. So my note to you is for this reason; Keep on doing what you must do to realize your dream. When you know it is the right thing, do not let anything stop you from getting it. No matter what obstacles seem to try to get in your way (i.e., I knew less than nothing about house construction when I started!) when you are where you are supposed to be and are doing what you are supposed to DO, things will work out RIGHT. (You seem to know that already, so I am just adding my own encouragement). I hope your Great Adventure turns out to be every bit as wonderful as mine turned out to be for me…
Keep on Keeping on.
Your comment means the world to me, Sue! Thank you so much for sharing your story! It is so encouraging to hear. I can’t wait to get started and share our journey, but I am also trying to enjoy each and every second in this time as well and not wish this time away. It’s certainly am adventure, to say the least!