Our master bedroom has been one of those rooms that has always felt like it was on the backburner. I WANTED to get to it, but there was always something else keeping me from working on it. I have done a little here and there, but I am finally almost finished with it (Ok, I AM finished- check it out HERE!), and this project right here has been the turning point!
Have you ever had a project in your mind that you just knew was IT, but nobody could see your vision? It happens to me all the time. This is one of them. I have been on the lookout for random letters for a little while now to spell my last name, because I wanted to use them over my bed. At first, I thought I would just hang them on the wall separately…but after more consideration, I decided to use what seems to always work for me- PALLET boards. If you will remember, I did have a pallet sign above my bed before. I made it out of modge podge letters, but it never was truly what I wanted, so I was very ready for a change. It just didn’t seem to “go” with my room.
So, after scrounging up 5 random letters to spell R I L E Y, I was ready to go! Got my 3 boards, my letters, my hot glue gun, nails and command strips…and got to work!
After placing my boards the right distance and seeing what they looked like, I went ahead and laid my letters out to see how they looked. Fabulous! I loved them!
After this, I took the letters back off the boards and glued the boards together really sturdy with hot glue. {I have done this before with pallet boards, and as long as you use PLENTY of hot glue, they stay together very very well. You can also use stronger glue if you desire.} I then proceeded to glue, nail and put command strips on my letters for adhesion.
Then…I was DONE and ready to hang above my bed!
I can’t wait to show you our master bedroom renovation next week! It is just a fun space with lots of personality, and I hope you like it!
Tell me your thoughts on my sign? Do you like the idea of a hodge podge of letters? I truly love how it turned out. Now I am itching to do other words around the house!
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Linking up at: Pocketful of Posies Savvy Southern Style & Tatertots and Jello
Last Updated on September 26, 2016
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Hi Brooke – This is beautiful – I much prefer this one to your last one – reason: because it’s ‘eclectic’ and not ‘uniform’ – it gives it so much more character – love the fact that you have used different items and the way you have placed them on the wood – they are not straight, which looks fab. I must admit I am not one for lots of straight lines and the norm : ) FABULOUS 🙂 Look forward to seeing the whole ‘makeover’ – Take Care 🙂
Oh I totally agree, Denise! I never liked the old one, even from the beginning. I think I was a little desperate 🙂 Thank you for the encouragement! Have a great week!
I love all your different letters – great job and I can’t wait to see the room reveal!
Thank you Susan! I was really happy with how this turned out!
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. So creative and fun and very much Riley:-) I’m stealing this, I absolutely love it!
Thank you Katie! I was really pumped about how cute and different it ended up being 🙂
Brooke, I was just over at Roadkill Rescue and saw your sign. I LOVE it and think my grandson needs one of these in his nursery! Thanks for the inspiration – pinned to share 🙂
Thank you so much, Marie!! I sure do appreciate that! Show me yours when you finish!
I love this sign! It came together great. I’ve never used hot glue on pallet boards, I’ll have to give it a try sometime.
Thank you!! Yes hot glue works very well, just be sure to put PLENTY!! 🙂
Looks awesome! I love the mirror as the “i” and the eclectic mix of different letters.
Thank you very much, Jenny! Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Brooke, just a thought. What if you turned the mirror letter the other way and the knob becomes the dot above the i . Just a thought, it is awesome the way it is now too. Very creative and beautiful.
You’ve inspired me to use a mirror for the O in McCoy for my room. Thank you for your great ideas and most of all your testimonials. God bless you and your family❣️
Very nice! Brooke, a few years ago before you moved into your home, you made a decoupage sign using “Love Is” comics. Did you ever display it?
I enjoy your creativity!
Omgoodness 😍
Simply precious ❤️ love it❣️
Your so clever ~~ Brooke 🥰❤️
Very creative, I love it! Who knew that hot glue would hold this together.