I am a sucker for a good, easy DIY…especially a budget friendly one. THIS one did not disappoint. Have you seen the wall tile stickers in the Target Dollar Spot?? Well, I found the PERFECT use for them! A TRAY!

I got this tray at Dollar General for $10! I loved the way the wood looked, and it was good and sturdy…so it was a must have, especially for that price.
Well, my original plan was to keep it the way it was. I really didn’t see a reason to change it. I sat it on my ottoman, and it worked good holding drinks, etc…BUT, while perusing the TARGET DOLLAR SPOT aisles, inspiration struck!
You see, I found these wall tile stickers for $5.00. 5 MERE DOLLARS, y’all.
How could I ever turn them down??? The answer is, I couldn’t!
So, what did I do? Well, I took them (they come as little individual stickers) and applied them on my tray! Literally, that is all.
As you can see, I had to line them up so that they looked cohesive…but it wasn’t hard!
For the edges, where there was a small amount of space, I applied a whole tile and then used an exacto knife to make a clean cut. BOOM! Done!
And here it is…totally done! This was about a 10 minute project, and it turned out SO DANG CUTE. I call that a BIG WIN!
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Last Updated on February 28, 2022
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That is adorable!
I absolutely love this tray!!! Definitely a WIN!
That tray is adorable!
I love this idea. I will be heading to Target. Thanks 馃槉
I love that tray. I have one and needed inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing. 馃檪
Love it! Great idea using the tiles 馃槏
Love the tiles on this tray. Makes it pop.
Oh my goodness. I just scored a big tray with handles at good will. It had a Christmas motif so it was half price. So $4 for it. Now I know what to do to cover the bottom motif I really didn鈥檛 like! Yay! Thanks!
I used some of those target tile stickers to put on my two file cabinets, I love them.
I love this tray before and after you did your thing! Great idea!