One night when you’re cooking supper, make sure you DON’T throw out your can from the corn (or any vegetable for that matter) 😂

I turned this $.50 can of corn into the CUTEST gumball machine!!! Now… it’s just for looks and doesn’t actually dispense anything… but that doesn’t matter to me! I love the look of it, and can’t wait to show you how to make your own for SUPER DUPER cheap!
Here’s what you’ll need…
- empty vegetable can
- any color paint (I used “pool” by Waverly Chalk Paint)
- plastic globe from Dollar Tree
- one large wood bead
- ribbon of your choice
- filler for your machine (I chose buttons)
First step… paint your can! You know I’m a huge fan of aqua blue… so of course I had to paint mine this color!
Also… HUGE TIP! Cover your hand in a plastic sack, and stick it inside the can… now, you can paint it without making a huge mess! You’re welcome. 😉
It took two coats to completely cover.
While you still have your paint out, go ahead and paint your bead!
This part might require some thought… now you get to decide what you FILL your machine with! I chose an assortment of buttons!
This plastic globe sits PERFECTLY inside the can. DO NOT glue this down, or else you will never get inside your globe! I simply just sat it inside, and can easily remove it when I want to get a button out!
Hot glue the bead right on top of the globe. Doesn’t that already make such a huge difference?
Last step… embellishments! I kept it super simple with neutral ribbons, and made a re-fabbed bow! I also wrapped one of the ribbons around the rim of the can to jazz it up a bit.
Hot glue it all on, and you’re DONEEEE!
You cannot tell me that doesn’t resemble a gumball machine!!!
I’m simply obsessed. AND it was SO EASY to put togehter!!!!
If you love gumball machines, you should see a few other tutorials I have for them here on the blog! *click on the image to go straight to the tutorial!
Last Updated on June 30, 2021
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Awww, that’s too cute!!
I love how you make bows!
You never stop amazing me! This is so cute.