Sometimes, you just need to take a deep search around your stash and see what you can come up with… Today’s random idea: making Christmas ornaments out of old kitchen backsplash tiles 😂
If you are new around here, then you might not know that we just recently built our forever home last year- which means we have an excess of supplies from the building process. That’s totally okay with me, because I can usually figure out a way to craft with those items… just like we are today!! I ended up making three different ones, just so you can see how different you can make them!!!

Here’s what you’ll need (if you want to make the ornaments the way I did):
- Paint colors of your choice (I used Marsh Green, Pavement, and Red Apple from Apple Barrel Paints)
- Mod Podge
- Scissors
- Tiny paint brushes
- Ribbons of your choice
- One wooden bead
- One piece of Christmas scrapbook paper
- Backsplash tiles (you can buy them VERY cheap from Lowes/Home Depot)
Go ahead and cut your tiles so they are separated from the pack. I just used regular scissors for this!
The very first ornament I made was simply just with different colored polka dots- which is where the paint comes in! Feel free to use ANY color paint your heart desires!!!
If you know me AT ALL…. you know I’m a sucker for polka dots!!!! I set this one to the side to dry, then started on the next!
This one is SUPER easy… all you have to do is trace your tile onto your scrapbook paper, then mod podge it onto the front of the tile!
Make sure you place the top of the tile DOWN on to the BACK of the scrapbook paper, then trace and cut! I’ll show you how this one turned out at the end of the blog post 😉 next up, the GNOME ornament!!!!
Okay, THIS one is my fave for sure!!! There’s a few more steps involved, but trust me- it’s WORTH IT!
Start by painting the beard of the gnome. I wanted a mix of white and grey, so I first painted a layer of white!
Before the white paint dries, go ahead and mix in your grey paint! I used the same brush as before, just so it would help mix it a little more! Go ahead and let this dry, then move on to the hat!
After your paint has dried, go ahead and start tracing the top of the tile onto your piece of ribbon- this will be for the hat! I made sure to meet the bottom of the ribbon with the top of the beard, so there is no white showing through! Just cut it out for now, and we will glue it on after the nose!
We want the ribbon to kind of overlap the nose, so we need to glue that on first! I just took a mini wooden bead, and glued it smack dab in the middle!
Here is where the magic happens! Glue your ribbon on to the top of the tile, and make sure a little bit is covering the top of the nose. My ribbon wasn’t thick enough to cover the very top, so I just added a white pom pom to complete it!
For all three of the tiles, I hot glued a little stand of twine to act as the hook… and THAT’S IT!!!
This project literally cost me NO money, because I already had everything on hand… how great is that?!?!?! Let me know if you’ll be making some for yourself!!
Don’t forget to PIN!!!
Last Updated on November 4, 2020
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The first photo of painting polka dots looks like a ghost. Cute Hslloween ornament with only 2 black dots for eyes.
What a great idea. My favorite was the gnome. So cute.
I loved every one of these! Great ideas! You’re so creative!!
I love the gnome
I love them! That is the tile I am looking for for my backsplash in my kitchen.
So glad I found this on Pinterest. I am making a themed tree this year for a blog hop and needed an inexpensive way to make a lot of ornaments! I will be trying this one out. You were so clever to think of this. I host a weekly blog hop on Fridays and I would love for you to share some of your posts.
Very cute and simple idea. I loved the gnome but think the plain one with the berry paper mod podged to it is cute too. I’m sure you could use Christmas material too.
Love them all, but I like the scrapbook paper one the best.
So cute, always love your ideas.
Thank you! ❤️