You know the feeling when your throw pillows just start to look dingy?! For instance… my precious dog, Posie, decided that the tassels on one of my throw pillows was a new chew toy. She basically destroyed them, leaving me with torn up pillows! BUT, instead of looking at it as a lost cause… I used it to make a NEW one! Thanks a lot, Posie. 😉

Here’s what you’ll need:
- stuffing from an old pillow
- TWO pieces of fabric (cut the same size)
- fabric scissors

You read that right… you only need THREE things to make a brand new pillow!!!
After you have your two pieces of fabric cut to size and stacked right on top of each other, go ahead and cut little strips into the sides… because we’re creating a RAG pillow!
Make sure you are cutting strips through BOTH pieces of fabric.
After you have your strips cut, begin tying the top strip to the bottom strip right below it- creating a knot! I didn’t do any crazy boy scout knots or anything- just a simple little knot!
You literally just repeat this on every side of the fabric!!! Once you have three sides done, don’t tie up the last side yet… because we need to add in the stuffing!
Go ahead and stuff that bad boy full of stuffing!!! When it’s feeling pretty firm and full, simply tie off your last side…. and THAT IS IT!!!!
Can you believe that you can make such a cute throw pillow with barely any supplies?!?!
Here’s a tip! If you don’t own any dingy pillows already (but honestly… who doesn’t?) you can find them at thrift stores for DIRT CHEAP!
The fabric I used for this pillow is from Hobby Lobby… and I think it turned out ADORABLE!!! I love the “shabby chic” look it gives, and how it looks up against my other throw pillows!!!
If you enjoyed this tutorial, then you would love my diy placemat pillow tutorial!!
Last Updated on June 1, 2021
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Never thought to use this method to make a pillow. Super cute. Have done this to make fleece blankets
This is one of the cutest and simplest crafts that you’ve done kudos to you. I need a new throw pillows for my couch and my loveseat and I just might have to make me some now. Your craft seems simple enough. Thanks Brooke
I love the pillow and the way you did it. I took and recovered one of mine by using hot glue, turned out good.
Oh boy! A new chew toy for Posie. LOL The pillow is cute. As the raggedy ends fray – you’ll be picking up teeny fabric pieces for months – the knots will form their own tassels. At least that’s what I’m thinking.
I love your ideas so glad I came across your page.
Pillows are so expensive, this is a great, easy, idea. Thanks Brooke. BTW.. Happy birthday 🎈
How fun! Love this idea!
SO PRETTY!! Back in the day…we used to make fleece blankets with that same knitting concept!! You’re right, it’s a wonderful “no sew” project!!
Love love the rag pillow Brooke!♥️
This rag pillow is so cute! I love it. Great job
Great idea and your new pillow looks so pretty.
What a great idea!!!
Next time I do a tie blanket, I can do a tie pillow to match!