My kids are obsessed with making things…literally ALL things. They would do arts and crafts 100% of the day if I would let them, and I do let them quite a bit. They both love to give me pictures, and they want to display them all over the house. I have even found pictures hanging on their wall and in the playroom using band-aids LOL! They get pretty creative in their display methods, if I do say so myself.
While I love for them to express their creativity, I wanted to find a way that would be cute, easy and functional. I wanted it to be in their room so that they could enjoy it and we would be able to change it around as much as we wanted. This is what motivated me for this current project. Folks, it is EASY peasy and cute as a button! It is versatile, and your kid will LOVE being able to change their artwork out so that everyone can see their latest masterpiece!
*Some affiliate links have been used in this post to make it extra easy for you to purchase items needed to make your own, at no additional cost to you!*
Supplies Needed:
12×12 Metal Sheet (mine came from Hobby Lobby- but ANY metal sheet, as long as it is flat will work. You also don’t have to have 12×12, but it worked perfectly with the scrapbook paper I chose, and I didn’t have to cut to fit at all.)
Mod Podge (I want to say that if you never use mod podge, and you just want some for THIS project, the Dollar Tree carries very small containers of it for just $1, so be sure to check there if you don’t need much! I use it all the time, so I love having the big container.)
Any Paint Brush (for putting mod podge onto the metal)
12×12 piece of scrapbook paper
Magnetic Clip (can be found numerous places, including online and most craft stores)
Any extra embellishments you want to add!
—-I used a wooden baseball from Hobby Lobby that I found for .99, and I adhered a square magnet to the back, just to give some extra jazz to the piece.
—-I also used some white alphabet stickers to put his name on the paper. It worked good for me because of the large stripes and how well you could see the white on the navy.
**Don’t forget! When you shop at Hobby Lobby, if something is not on sale, be sure to use the 40% off coupon (either online or in store-you can get the code from their website). I used my 40% off for my magnetic sheet!**
So, this is a very easy project that takes very little time, so let’s get to it!
I didn’t take step by step pictures, because honestly, there aren’t many steps and I seriously feel like it is easy enough to do without each picture!
First, I took my metal sheet (which is the EXACT same size as my scrapbook paper!) and applied mod podge all over it with my brush (not pictured.) I used a cheap little old chip brush because it is what I had on hand. Foam brushes work great with mod podge as well, in fact, better.
After applying my mod podge, I laid the piece of scrapbook paper directly onto the mod podged metal sheet and pressed firmly, making sure all bubbles were GONE. If you get bubbles, which you probably will, you can use a credit card to smooth it out. Works like a charm!
Once the scrapbook paper was adhered, it was time to apply the magnet to the back of my wooden baseball and put my letters on for his name- BLAIZE!
Once you have done that, you can put the clip anywhere you want to showcase your artwork! SUPER easy!
**To hang on the wall, I put command strips on the back of the metal and stuck to the wall. They are miracle workers!
And here it is once you are finished~All ready to hang your art!
By the way, his knobs on this red chest are also baseballs, so the baseball magnet ties in perfectly! You can see his nursery with more detailed pictures of the dresser HERE.
And here it is with his precious artwork hanging on it! Needless to say, he is super excited. He is 3, so this just MADE HIS DAY. He thought it was coolest thing that I made this just for him!
Well, there you have it! It turned out just perfect for his room (and her room- since they share…but this is just his side!) I sure hope to get to show their shared room very soon. It is somewhat of a challenge, but it is close to completion. And guess what?? This scrapbook paper matches their bedding PERFECTLY. It is navy and white stripe! Winner Winner!
To see more details of the journey we are on right now as we live in a single wide mobile home while we start the process of building our dream home, Check it out HERE!
Pin this bad boy for later!
Last Updated on January 10, 2017
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