I absolutely love a berry wreath! They just scream Christmas season to me…but sometimes, they can be a little pricey!
Well, I do have several already in my stash- but I thought it would be fun to see if I could create one myself on a tighter budget to share with everyone…and guess what?!?! I DID!

Here is what I used for this project:
Dollar Tree Berry Stems ($1 each)
Hot glue gun
Floral Tape (Dollar Tree)
Package of scented pinecones- or any pinecones (Dollar Tree)
Medium sized embroidery hoop (any craft store- very cheap!)
This is very easy…a little time consuming, but easy!
First, I wrapped my entire embroidery hoop in floral tape so that it was green and didn’t stand out too bad! (no picture of this, sorry!)
Then, I simply took my berry picks and took the berries off! I cut them down or simply pulled the entire stem off (it pops right off).
I didn’t want the leaves. They look too fake, and I don’t need them for this wreath anyway.
I then started wrapping stems in different directions on my hoop, by using my floral tape. I also used hot glue to make sure things stayed in place a little better, where needed.
After I had a decent circle going , I proceeded to hot glue some of my berry pieces that had no stem onto the top of the other berry pieces!
Once I had a fairly full circle, I went back in and filled in some of the bare spots with my pinecones by hot gluing them on!
*I used 6 berry picks for this project!*
This was such a fun little project, and I just love how it turned out! Beware though, I burnt my fingers ALOT! I forgot my finger protectors! OUCH!
Tell me what ya think !!!
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Last Updated on November 4, 2020
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It came out so cute, where did you get that beautiful piece you hung it on?
I love this Red Berry wreath. I鈥檓 going to head to Dollar Tree and get my supplies for this cute craft. I decorate with red berries all through the year. Red is also one of my favorite colors. Thanks so much for this adorable berry wreath idea! 馃巹馃巹馃巹
Brooke this is just gorgeous, and the berries look so real!! I may have to add this one to my to do list!!!!!
This is my favorite so far(I say everytime)
So bright cheerful