Who doesn’t enjoy a quick, and I do mean quick, 5 minute and $5.00 DIY project?!?! Nobody? That’s what I thought! This DIY Beadboard Rooster Sign is just that!
You see, cheap, fun home decor DIY projects are literally around every corner if you have your eyes open. Signs can be made from literally ANYTHING. Be creative and keep on the lookout, and you will be sure to find your next project waiting in the aisles of a local store, yard sale, junk yard or even your own home.
This specific project was waiting for me in the aisles of Michael’s and Hobby Lobby!
I was in Hobby Lobby searching for some items for a home I am decorating, when I came across this awesome galvanized rooster. He was half off of $4.99 so only $2.50! What a steal. I went ahead and got a cow and pig too while I was at it, just in case 馃檪 I didn’t know what I wanted to do with them, but I knew I could do something farmhousey, and they were too cute to pass up, especially for that price.
On a totally different day of shopping, I ran across the bead board hanger on the CLEARANCE aisle of Michael’s! It was just a little over $2.00, and even though I had no idea what I might do with it, I knew I would do something awesome 馃槈 You see, it already had the twine hanger and everything! #score
When I was going through my craft supplies the other day, I decided to just see what this rooster might look like just simply glued to this bead board hanger. It almost seemed too simple of a project, really…but when I saw the outcome, I was so smitten. It was just perfect!
Simple is good, y’all! We sometimes get so caught up in our next “big aha” project that we can sometimes miss the very simple, perfect projects that take little to no time to do and have a huge impact.
ALL I did for this sign was use hot glue to glue my rooster to my hanger. Period. Nothing else.
But look at it! It looks so cute, and it looks like something I bought at a farmhouse boutique, only it was a little under $5!
So, I just want to encourage you to be on the lookout for things that can go together to make the perfect piece for your home. Signs can be used from any and everything! Think outside of the box, and always be on the lookout for that next great bargain!
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Last Updated on July 10, 2018
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I love the rooster which I figured was misplaced but it was a lovely letter to your son.
Too cute!
Thanks for the inspiration, I know someone who would love this! Heck, I love it!
Yay! I love to hear that!