I want to say from the very beginning of this post that this post is sponsored by Behr paint. They were so incredibly gracious to provide me with the most beautiful and amazing paint for this Cottage Charmer project, and it is pure perfection. I could not have picked a more perfect paint for this home. The Behr Premium Plus Ultra paint that was used for the walls (ALL walls) in this home is the real deal. It goes on smooth and like silk. It covers well, and it is most certainly something that I will use again on future projects. But, let’s talk about the main thing here…the COLOR. The color is called “Behr Mineral” and y’all….it is literally flawless. You will see. It is the perfect neutral, with gray and beige tones, lending itself to blend perfectly with any color scheme. I am in love with it.
The words labor of love sound so sweet and precious…don’t they? But there are just times when something is so much more than that. Sometimes, a project is such an undertaking that “labor of love” doesn’t seem to do it justice. THIS is one of those. This “cottage charmer”, as I have always referred to it, has been an endless labor. It has been labor that has taken longer than ever expected and has had all of us anxiously waiting to see that beautiful end result that we KNEW we would love. And LOVE is not even the right word for this home. Love doesn’t seem strong enough.
When I look at where we started…and remember each step along the way…seeing it now is just unreal. Sure, I saw it completed, and I even showed you all pictures of it complete. But, this house is no longer a house. It is now a HOME. It is a home to two of the sweetest people I know…a newly married couple who has able to purchase this as their first home to create so many memories in. This house is now a home where love can abide and life can be lived and enjoyed in one of the most beautiful settings ever. What a JOY it has been to watch this unfold. And do you want to know what is even crazier? When we FIRST bought this house…before anything was done…I told the wife (she is a friend of mine) that I had the PERFECT place for her when we got finished. I told her that it would be a perfect first home for her and her hubby….and then…1 year later- we are signing the papers. Life has a way of doing that. It just could not have worked out more perfectly.
Now, let’s take a quick look back at just a couple of the BEFORE pictures that I took a week after we purchased this place.
I didn’t want her to see the house at this state because I was scared she wouldn’t be able to see what I could see….the potential.
You see, I am able to look at a place and SEE what it CAN be. I am so thankful for that- but I know that so many people are not able to see past the current and visualize what could be.
Let’s fast forward to NOW. Let’s fast forward to the point that it is LIVED IN and LOVED IN…and a HOME!
What I love most about these pictures, in comparison to the ones I had done previously before it was lived in, is the fact that it shows how beautiful it is once it is furnished and lived in. It shows that once they came in and put their special touch on it, it immediately transformed into something so much more than a fixer upper. It became someone’s home. There is no price tag for that. There is no time frame for that. It all came together at the perfect time, for the perfect family…and while I sound so sappy- it is just so true.
Now, I will just flood you with more pictures of this place…and you can see for yourself how beautiful it turned out.
Well, all I can say is I told you! I told you this was going to be fabulous. And I told you this color was perfection. THANK YOU, Behr! Thank you for providing this paint, and also…thank you for being amazing to work with and being so incredibly patient as this “labor of love” took a little longer than expected. I truly believe it was worth the wait!
If you have missed this whole process and want to catch up on each step, from beginning to end, check out these posts!
We bought a BIG time fixer upper!
Roofing, Painting, Frustration
Be sure to pin this post! Everyone deserves to see how beautiful this transformation was, if I do say so myself!
Be sure to follow me on Social Media!
Last Updated on October 7, 2019
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This is amazing! Absolutely beautiful transformation! You did a great job!
I love what you did to this house. You can see the love in this home.
Brooke, very beautiful and professional! What did you use for the kitchen flooring?
Hi Brooke – you made a very professional and beautiful job of this house, which is now a beautiful home for the right person who purchased it 馃檪
Thank you very much, Denise!!!!
You do awesome work! Love everything u do. And love your accent whenu are talking.
Y鈥檃ll did a great job you should continue on with that
WOW!! What a dramatic difference! You guys did a great job!!
Amazing job! Love it!
What a stunning transformation!
My husband and I started remodeling houses 40 years ago. Ended up with 30 rental houses in our small town. Now we are trying to sell them due to our ages. Oh the memories we have of working together everyday.