I get questions DAILY about my brick flooring and walls… and today, I’m giving you everything you need to know!
What I recommend
BrickWeb by Old Mill Brick is the product we used all throughout our home, and will 100% recommend! The best part about this brick, is the ease of the installation… and how you can install it just about anywhere!
How to install
I have a very detailed post all about how to install brick flooring here on the blog! There are two main parts: the installation, and the grouting process.
Within those posts, I mention exactly what color brick we used, the grout color, other recommended products that helped with installation, and much more. So be sure to check them out!
Where we have our brick flooring/walls
According to Old Mill Brick, you can install BrickWebb just about anywhere! Our kitchen, entryway (pictured above), and laundry room all have the brick flooring.
We used the BrickWebb to create our brick archway leading into the kitchen, as well as our fireplace.
How to clean brick flooring
Cleaning brick flooring is a lot easier than you may think… it’s actually pretty simple! Follow my easy tutorial on how to clean brick flooring to see exactly how I clean my floors myself!
Frequently asked questions
Q: “Is it hard on your feet?”
A: NO! It is not uncomfortable AT ALL. It is real brick, but it is a smooth texture- so it is not rough on your feet one bit!
Q: “Can you trip on it easily?”
A: It is no different than any other flooring… it is smooth, so unless you are just naturally clumsy- you should be just fine!
Q: “Are you happy with it?”
A: YES!!!! I would not change a thing about it. I always knew that I wanted brick flooring in my home, so it was a MUST. I have loved every single thing about it and never look back! I would do it over again in a heartbeat! It creates such a unique look to my whole house… I truly have NO complaints.
Q: “You say it’s easy to clean… but is it ACTUALLY easy to clean?”
A: Yep. I gave you my tutorial on how to clean brick flooring above, but also want to re-iterate just how EASY it is. I use my cordless dyson vacuum on it just about every single day- and it works like a charm! You can easily vacuum up anything on it, even in the grout lines!
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Last Updated on September 2, 2021
Your house is Beautiful!
That is amazing and so beautiful ❤️ I love the way you put in on the floor and then on the walls!! Thank you for sharing I’m going to look into this…🙂 love it!! 🥰