The term “be yourself” is so cliche, really. You hear it all the time, and sometimes, it simply loses its meaning. I mean, do you even REALLY know who “you” are? Kinda crazy to think about!
Today, I was doing a little work, and I kept thinking of the same thing over and over again. When that happens, I usually feel like it must be something others need to hear, so I write 🙂
Throughout the years, I have found a few things to be true about life and about me. Let me just lay it out there for you!
I realize that not everyone will EVER like me, period. BIG SHOCKER, huh? Well, of course it is not a shocker, but it still a hard truth to swallow at times. I DESIRE for everyone to like and appreciate me, but the truth is- that will absolutely never happen. I can be an acquired taste. I can be a little “extra”. I am fairly bold. I don’t sugar coat things a lot. I am kind and sweet, but I 100% have a feisty side that wants to show itself here and there! I am stubborn as a mule, and I am very independent.
I am sporadic. My mind goes 90 to nothing 100% of the time. I rarely sit and rest. I love big, and I work super hard. I tend to think others are supposed to be the same way, and sometimes I am let down because others don’t show me the same love that I show them (or in the same way). I have a million flaws…and I have a few things that I do really well. I am a mixture of a hurricane and the calm after the storm.
Is there ANYONE out there who can relate to this? I sure hope so…because as I was writing this out, I was thinking to myself, “dang Brooke…you really are quite a mess.”
So, like I said…I realized a few years ago that it didn’t matter what I did, some people would never appreciate me for who I am. The hard part was for me to accept the fact that it was OK with me, but I did. I accepted that. And guess what? It was FREEING! Once I let myself be MYSELF, I felt completely free of my own insecurities. I wasn’t trying to be anything that someone else wanted me to be. I was just me.
I made decisions and didn’t second guess who would think what and how this person or that would react. My husband has always been that way, but it has taken me MUCH longer to get on board 😉 I am a slow learner.
I truly believe that as I began to completely be myself more and more and allow more people to see my real personality, it has shown itself more and more in my writing and my decorating and diy projects. Basically, it has come out in my business ALL over the place.
I realize that my “style” isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t stop me from sharing. I share because I want to inspire, and I share because I personally love it.
My home is a reflection of ME, and I have my own, unique taste. I don’t go with the trends and what “they” say is popular and isn’t popular. I simply buy or make things that I personally like, and somehow, I find a way to make it fit. Some of it is a big old hodge podge! And guess what? I LIKE IT THAT WAY! It is fun!
I have been told that it is much better to be more minimalistic. I have been told that there are much better ways to style shelves. I have been told that I have “too much” everywhere. I have been told that my hair is too over the top, and it is distracting. I have been told that I need to make myself more presentable to the public or I will never be taken serious. I have been told that I am “too short.”
I have been told that my voice is too annoying to listen to. I have been told that I “put on Christianity”, but that it is all a show. I have been told that I need more kids. I have been told that I brag about my home. I have been told that I should have done this or should have done that. I have been told that I didn’t need the house we built. I have been told that I should work from home and never get away to get work done, because that is just not using my resources wisely. Y’all….I have been told SO MANY THINGS.
And guess what? If I listened to each and every one of those things…this would happen. One, I would be depressed. Two, I would be running in circles. I would never be me. I would be a version of me that fit into someone else’s mold…and I would not be authentic. I would constantly be insecure with who I am. I would never feel adequate.
Instead, I choose to ignore. Sure, I appreciate good, solid constructive criticism or someone who KNOWS and LOVES me to tell me their advice, but in the end, I choose to ignore the majority of the voices that come at me from all directions. I know my path, and I know who directs that path. I know that I LOVE having “stuff” setting around. Sorry not sorry. If you don’t like stuff, then don’t set it out! It very simple. I love my wild hair. Love might be a strong word…but I accept this look because most days, it is literally all it will do. I had to just start embracing it. I am ME. If I have to “look” a certain way when giving a devotion that God set on my heart, then I can’t help but feel like there is a bigger problem on your heart than my appearance. I can promise you, God is not looking at that. I can’t help my voice. I was born and raised in the south, and I am just as country as the day is long. If I sound “unlearned”, so be it.
My Christianity? Well, it is as real as the wind. I will never shy away from it. God gave me a voice and a platform, and I will continue to use it for Him. Need more kids? Well, did you know that for almost 7 years, we actually wanted another…but the Lord has not seen fit for that, so perhaps I am supposed to be content with what He did provide? This home? I am proud of it. I know how HARD my husband and I worked tot have this, and I will always choose to inspire you by bringing you into my own life. It is always your choice whether or not you choose to stay and sit a while.
Here is the deal, folks. If we listen to all the outside “voices” and try to please them, we will very soon be downtrodden, disappointed, depressed and completely inauthentic to who we were created to be.
Know WHO YOU ARE. Embrace it. Cherish it. There is only ONE you. Literally, only one. The God of the universe created YOU with a purpose. He created your quirky personality. He created your talents and abilities. He created you to have a certain sense of humor and sense of style. He created you fearfully and wonderfully made. He created you exactly as He wanted you to be. Your job is to be the best version of that person that you possibly can. It is to embrace your uniqueness and dial in on those traits that only you have. Choose to be YOU 100%. There is nobody else that can do that job. How awesome is that?
I want to end with this quote:
“Be exactly who you want to be. Be the woman who stands up for herself and her dreams. Be the woman who is proud of herself and proud to be herself. Be the woman who is strong and vulnerable: wild and free. These chains could never hold someone like you. I think it is finally time you break free.” Walk the Earth
Last Updated on November 4, 2020
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Thank you For being you. I love to hear you talk. Reminds me so much of my southern family that I don’t have around much. I love seeing your home and how you decorate. I have also listened to the negatives about me and it surely did affect me. But I’m getting better at learning how I was wonderfully made. God Bless you.
You are so right ! God wants us to be ourself and follow his purpose for us ! You are loved and appreciated by me, you are a wonderful person ! It’s their loss if they don’t like you…they are really missing out !!❤️
I needed this so much. I am shocked & down right appalled at the things people have said to you. I think you’re gorgeous!! I show your picture to my beautician all the time. “I want her hair”. Haha girl, you are SPOT ON with everything you’ve said & I agree. I also have a lot a lot of work to do. But I needed to hear all this….EVERY WORD. God bless you.
Brooke, Thank you for putting this out there about being you. I so needed to hear this . I also have issues listening to other people and being concern with what they say. I also think to myself if they do not have anything better to do then to gossip that is on them, but then I think “What have I done to make them feel this way about me?”I am a “what if” kinda of person. My anxiety races sometimes. So your words today hit it. I am going to be me. I only am going to please me and be happy. I feel like that God is my guide and I accept what HE has for me. Much Love Brooke and Thank you again💕
Sandy Penny
My pastor said yesterday that people who complain and knit pick are not at peace. People who criticize and complain about you are really saying more about themselves than they are you. From reading this blog, I can tell you have your head on straight and your priorities in the right place. Keep being you!
Brooke, I love this. I too am a person who always wanted everyone to like me. With age, I’ve come to realize it doesn’t matter whether they do or not and that’s ok. I was telling a friend just a few months ago that I don’t know who the real me is. I wonder if any of us do, because we spend most of our lives trying to be who everyone expects us to be.
Thank you so much for this! I needed to hear this! And YES! You keep on being the YOU that the LORD wants you to be! I know that I am!
You are adorable!
I don’t have a lot of time to watch you, but when I do I am very impressed with what you do and how you present yourself and you home and crafts. You go girl, you have the whole world at your feet, so to speak. Love seeing all you do, God has blessed you and every person who watches you.
It terribly upsets me at some of the things people would say to you. Some of the things are just unthinkable to say to another person especially a stranger. I am sure we have all been that ugly person at one time or another, but hopefully we have learned our lesson as we grown in the security we have in Christ. I love that you choose to not let their negativity seep into your life. When we dwell on the negative from others, it can truly make us sick in heart and mind. I love watching your videos of crafts and pictures of your home and family. You are simply delightful and so good at crafting. God has given you a great platform to share God’s love with others. May God continue to bless your business and family.
I totally agree with you Brooke but it is easier said than done. I’ve always been somewhat on the insecure side.
That just must be who I am!!!!
Keep doing what your doing like your doing it.
So true. I don’t follow the trends either. I don’t want a cookie cutter decorated house. I use my own photography ( I am not a professional) and things I made for the most part. Plus I don’t have the money to stock pile things to change out my decorating all the time. I will never be anyone but me. I don’t think that I have ever felt like I fit in to the “norm”. I was a tomboy into my teens, if not longer.
Sometimes I do let it get to me that I don’t have friends that I see all the time. No one really close. But that is ok. I know that I am different in my views then a lot of people. Luckily my husband loves me. Lol.
Love love love your crafts and you.
I needed to hear this for myself. I struggle with this even at 57 years old but I am trying. This past year I have had a lot of different things go on & I am proud of surviving all of what has happened in my life.
I love watching you. You are a joy & I hope you keep your personality.
Proud you use God’s word especially. Keep it up.
You are great!
Sincerely…. Crystal
I love this!!! Truly inspiring! I’ve always been a people pleaser, a trait I learned growing up. I made a choice last year to take care of ME!! I retired after 25 years in law enforcement and moved a state away from all of my family with my new husband. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Thank you for all you do and just being yourself.
You had a raglan tee last year with aqua sleeves. Had a pair of cowboy boots with “blame it all on my roots”. I wasn’t lucky enough to get one!!! I wish you would get this t again!!!
Brooke, Thank you for sharing these words of wisdom. I really needed this, so if no one else benefits, just know that God nudged you to write them for me. I appreciate the honesty in your message. i think you are awesome! And this North Carolina girl shares the ‘gift’ of a Southern accent. 🙂 Continue to smile, to share, and to inspire because when we are on your page, it feels like we are talking to a friend.
Brooke, you are a wonderful person. You know who you are, and are flying where God’s wind takes you. May the wind be behind you and take you higher than you’ve ever been. Stay true to yourself!
Beautifully said Brooke! Thank you for sharing what is on your heart with us, I have been following you for a few years now and love your blog!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I can’t believe someone actually called you out for being short….oh wait I can! I think in today’s world it’s so easy to pick people apart because we can hide behind computer screens and be as nasty or as sweet or as real or fake as we want. Then when you do manage to meet people face to face those same traits follow you. Honestly, some of the grown women I’ve met have been far worse than when we were kids!
I am a survivor of severe bullying as a child and it’s been a long journey towards being myself and some days I still hide behind a mask. More and more I put myself out there and when someone tells me I’m too much this or that I will try to pull back, thinking OMG they don’t like me……. but I will tell myself no, no more! I am who I am and that’s that! It’s so freeing!!! (sometimes scary too but worth it)
And I love your hair! Thanks for being you! You can come style my house and my hair anytime!!
Brooke you are so spot on. I can’t believe people can be so cruel especially since they have the option to tune out. Crazy. I have to say that I just joined your creative circle to learn from you, to see if this is for me. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I’m doubting I can do this as I would probably take those things too personally BUT between you and Barb I have hope to be a better crafter and a better person. Don’t change for anyone. I think your hair is adorable and your relaxed look and attitude is very refreshing. Thank you for being YOU!!!
Like I have said to you in the past..
Do not listen to the negative!
Not sure why people find the need to get on your sight or videos if they seem to find so much wrong with it!!
I’m not sure if you can block them but if you can I would..
I’m truly sorry people get on your site and say these things!
If I was you I would not even respond to them..don’t waste your breathe with them! Hard to understand in this time why people are so mean..
This was spot on! Exactly how I feel as well. It is unbelievable what other unhappy people worry about. Keep being you!
Great message Brooke!! You go girl this Earth needs more women like you!!!❤️
Well said Brooke!
Brooke, also my daughter’s name. I love your style especially your hair. I am taking a picture of you to my hairdresser to get the same color. You stay you and all will be well. It is well with your soul. I live in Savannah, Georgia.
Joette Bazemore
Oh Brooke, I’m so glad that you posted this. There are a lot of selfish, jealous, miserable people that needed to hear it. You’re 100% right. Keep on traveling the road that God has laid out for you and your beautiful family. The people that would utter all of the mean and childish comments obviously don’t have Jesus in their heart or they wouldn’t EVER put such cruel comments in your page. All we can do is to pray for them to find him and begin their life in a whole new way. Here’s the thing, when they were scrolling on these platforms and they ran across Refabbed, and they were bothered so much that you do and say, then wouldn’t the intelligent thing to do was to just keep strolling ?? 🤷🏻♀️DON’T keep following just to be mean. It is so obvious that they are so jealous!! What a horrible way to be. You just keep being who God made you to be! Enjoy your life to the fullest. You have been blessed with a wonderful life because you and Brandon have worked hard. No one’s life is perfect and I’m sure that you have difficulties that come up, but praise God you have a Heavenly Father that sees you through. Don’t give these miserable people anymore of your brain time thinking about their ridiculous and very rude comments. We are all different and and I’m so glad that we are. Isn’t it really sad and a shame that there are so many mean and obnoxious people in the world that spend their time tearing others down instead of trying to be the best that they can be and lift others up around them. They are being just the way satan wants them to be. He gets so much joy out of seeing people miserable and angry. Keep on sharing all that you do and we will keep being inspired. Hugs! 😍👍🏻🙏🏻
I love who God made you
Blessings to you
Brooke the thing that draws me to follow you is you are so real! I love all your talents! You do have a lot! I love to watch the ladies that model your clothes! They are just so real and have fun! I absolutely love the faith you and your husband have! I am a Christian and I love that you stand up for Lord! You are doing a great job! You can’t please everyone!
This touched my heart because as I’m going on to the age of 59 I hear people talk about you need to tone it done you dress to young or you don’t have to be all made up all the time who are you trying to impress.
It used to really hurt me to hear those comments about myself but, I later realized that I’m who I am always have been “kind of like what you see is what you get kinda thing”. I told myself that I am only being true to my personality and who I am and if you didn’t like that and had to criticize and judge me then maybe just maybe you needed to hit your knees and seek God because, he tells us we are not to judge one another without first judging ourselves. I’ve learned like you stated to be true to who I am….and I absolutely adored your business retreat this past few days it’s rare to still see God as the center of all things so thank you for being obedient and putting him first in your life.
Continue being who you are and let God deal with the naysayers.
Rosie Bane
Classy Tee’s Boutique
Wow. Very powerful and very well said. I have had the privilege and pleasure of meeting you in person. You are as real as it gets. I love you and your family. When people say you need more kids, they must not know your story.
I love your hair. I love your home. I love your boutique ( and Sezzle!) I love your creativity and I love your style!!
As far as your faith….you go girl!! ❤️
Thanks for opening up and having the encouragement to be authentic! It took me 68 years to learn to say I am enough! I hope you continue to inspire others with your success! I’m glad you speak “country”. That adds to your authenticity!
Love this! I am one of so many who love you and appreciate you for whom you are. The world needs more strong women such as you. Thank you for the inspiration you share on all the subjects you mentioned .
Amen & Amen!! All true! Thank u.!!! And for being you!!!❤️
THANK YOU, Brooke for sharing this powerful and encouraging word with us! 💜
Anytime I try to be ‘someone else’ I stall out. The description you gave is so accurate for me too! I have recently given myself a heart message – something I speak within myself when others come at me because I don’t ‘measure up’ in their eyes… “I am not made in their image, I am made in the image of God almighty! ”
Bless you sweet lady! Continue being you, I will continue to grow in lovingly accepting me being me!
Daughters of the King – humbly bold, lovingly fierce, strong and complete in the Lord, God Almighty♥️
Laura Dorcy
Thanks Brooke, I’m recently become a widow, I was 13 and my 14 when we started dating. We were together almost 50 years and I’ve never really been alone, not sure what the Lord has in store for me but my husband finish his race and he finished his course and now I must finish mine. I do know that God says he will never leave me or forsake me. I also believe he has a good plan for my life. I enjoy watching and listening to you, I began watching you when you were in your trailer home. Thanks for being you and being true to yourself, love ❤️ Kim,
Brooke, I love watching you I that you are you I am 5’1’ and this is the way God made me people judge other people so much. I wish they wouldn’t do that. God made us all the way we are and thank you so much Brooke for being you I so enjoy listening to you and watching you and I loved that the boutique thank you. Maybe someday I’ll get to meet you.
You go Girl.. I loved this reading..Be you and
Remember those people saying all this are just
Actually envious of you; or unhappy with themselves!
I am 68 yrs. old and believe me the judging and snirly comments don’t stop; took me awhile but that’s when I decided to get away from them be nice when I see them but they are just aquintances..They are just jealous people and are unhappy in their lives!! You are precious, and you are full of spit and vinegar and that is why you have such a hugh following.. Life is tooo short to be around negatism!! Keep your Head up and your positive attitude!! These are the people we should be praying for!! You are a breath of fresh Air
Don’t change !!!
Great message Brooke!! You are beautiful and so much fun!!’
This is perfectly said! 💯
I couldn’t have said this better myself. You are you!! I am me and it may not be everyone else’s cup of tea, but that is totally okay with me. I used to worry about those things and it took a while for me to learn but I did!! Life is too short period!! Thanks for this. We all need reminding. God bless you, Brooke .