We’ve all gone through situations and trials that have left lasting impacts on us. Many times, we feel as if we are physically weighed down by the burdens that we are carrying. For one woman in the New Testament, her burden took the shape of a water jug. Many have heard the story of the Samaritan Woman. She brought her water jug to the well to draw water. For her, this jug was a burden. She probably had to come daily to draw the water that she needed. Because of her reputation, she came at noon so that very few others would be at the well during that time. Every time she picked up her jug to make her trip, she was reminded of who she was and the reputation she had gained. But something wonderful happened. She met Jesus at the well one day and He told her of living water.
“The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” John 4:28-29
When this Samaritan woman had a life-changing encounter with Christ, she left her water jug and ran back to the village to tell others of the possible Messiah. The entire purpose for her visit had now changed, as she raced away to tell others of the Good News she had received. Her thoughts were no longer fixated on the physical water offered at the well, but rather how she had found living water in Christ. She left the well and ran to tell the town about Jesus. These same people who made her feel like she had to come to draw water in the noon day sun, now became the ones she wanted to share her encounter with. The past she wanted to avoid now became the story she wanted to tell. She told them to “come and see a man who told me everything I ever did.” All the things she had done had been an embarrassment to her, but now her trials had become her testimony. These people were willing to come because they could already see the change in this woman.
Do we leave our burdens with Christ? The woman could have easily picked up her water jug and taken it back with her to tell her village about her encounter, but she didn’t. Her life was completely changed. Her burdens and priorities were not the same anymore. How about us? Have you had a life-changing encounter with Jesus? If so, do you still carry around the baggage of the past and allow it to constantly weigh you down? Jesus changes things. He wants to take our burdens. Quit allowing your past, burdens, and trials to weigh you down and make you weary. Leave those burdens at His feet and allow the new freedom in Christ to spur you on to tell others!
This blog was written by Amy Carrico: Author of Making Moments Matter Blog
Last Updated on August 19, 2024
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