I have never been one of those who pick a word or phrase at the beginning of each year. No, not me. I am usually the one who is sitting back flying by the seat of my pants hoping to make it through the next year in one piece, and hoping to be at least a little better than the year before. I don’t plan enough. I don’t eat right, and I don’t even try to pretend like I will on January 1st. I am just a creative, crazy rebel trying to make it through another year in this crazy life! LOL.
But, this past year, I have really changed in my way of thinking. While I am still not an organized planner like I wish I was (working on it though!!!), I have realized how important it is to be intentional in what I do and how I do it. As my business has grown, and as I have realized more and more of the path God has set me on, I have come to heavily realize that each and every decision I make in this life needs to be one that is carefully considered and deliberate. So… my word of the year in 2018- INTENTIONAL.
According to the dictionary, this is the exact meaning of the word intentional:
Last Updated on January 4, 2018
For many years now my life word has been Bliss! I have some form of this word in almost every room of my house.
I try to find it, hold it, give it to others, live and breathe it in each day!
Now I will use your word too (if you don’t mind)…I will live with intentional bliss!!!!
I love what you said about utilizing your time. I too want to “utilize” my time wisely, with intent & purpose. So often I find myself going through the motions, & I don’t want that for my life. Best of luck to us in 2018 to accomplish our goal!
Thank you for sharing a link to the Be Intentional printables on my site. That was my word/phrase for 2017, and it is such a blessing to know someone else is encouraged by it as well. I wish you much success with your 2018 goals!