This is a love it or leave it kinda thing. I made this tree, and in an instant, it was LOVE for me! I loved how the feathers flowed, and the tree had so much fullness! It was just too dang cute! BUT…when I asked my husband and my mom…well, it was a LEAVE. {What?! How can you not like this!?! HA!} But, I decided to share it anyway, because well…you may love it, and I hope you do!
Now, I better start by saying this. My husband and my mom both read my blog {well, they better be anyway!}…and I already know that my mom, in her sweetest voice, will be saying, “Now Brooke…I didn’t say I didn’t like your tree. I just said it wasn’t for ME.” HAHA. But hey- I know my mom, and she didn’t like it…and the thing about it is, I am glad she is so honest with me! Next to my husband, she is for sure my biggest supporter. She is proud of me, she encourages me CONSTANTLY, she is honest with me, and hey…she didn’t like my feather tree! That is why they make chocolate and vanilla 😉
Whether you like traditional Christmas trees or not, I think this one is a great addition to your decor!
So, here is how you make it!
Get a paper mache tree at any craft store {mine came from Hobby Lobby}, 2 bags of feathers {color of your choice- mine are white}, and some hot glue…and you are good to go!
The next step is to simply glue your feathers to your tree. I started at the top and went downward. I simply kept filling in anywhere that looked like it needed to be fuller. {And YES, I burnt the heck out of my finger several times!!} p.s. The mod podge is open because I had thought maybe I could use that for the feathers, but No. That didn’t work.
So…after gluing all of the feathers in both packages {I used both full packages}, you are Done! What do you think?!
Paired with the other trees and a few pinecones, this tree looks like it came straight from the store {but for pennies on the dollar}! There were tons of different colored feathers, and even some with cool designs. The possibilities are endless for this project.
So…go ahead. Be honest with me. Love it or Leave it!?
Pin for Later!
Last Updated on October 18, 2019
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In spite of the fact that you burned your fingers a lot, I don’t think it is anything special. It’s okay, I don’t hate it. Needs some tiny little green or red or silver ornaments. Too plain the way it is.
Carol P-K
Thank you for the feedback!! 🙂
I love it!! It is bright, beautiful and magical! I don’t think it needs a thing. I do love the idea of other colored ones too!!
Thank you so much, Tonya!! ☺️
I absolutely love that white feather tree. Beautiful.
I Love the Feather Tree, I am going to make one to.
I like it. I’ve actually seen these in stores in the past during Holiday Open Houses and thought it was a neat idea. I think Samantha & I are going to try it. 🙂
Thank you Glenna!! I think you should try! Post a pic! 🙂
I love the soft fluffiness…it’s a good contrast against the glass tree. Perfect for a girly girls room or a powder room. I also agree that something to add sparkle would be cool…add some red sequins for sparkle, or some iridescent ones that change as the light changes
Or how about this…staple lights to the papier-mâché tree and then glue on the feathers…to light them from the inside out!
Anyways, I like your feather tree. You are very creative…keep aloe on hand when you use the glue gun!
Thank you so much, Donna! Great ideas! And YES on the aloe! I will be 🙂
I absolutely love it! I’m going to make one but much bigger, wish me luck
and not too many burned fingers!
Thank you Liz!! A bigger one would be beautiful!
i am not really into girly girl but i think these are lovely, sometimes you can use a skewer or a popsicle stick instead of your fingers xx
Great idea!!!
I love it! I’ve seen similar trees at high-end boutiques, and your’s absolutely fits in. I think it’s fabulous mixed in with other trees that are different textures and media. Good job!
I love it! I’ve seen similar trees at high-end boutiques, and your’s absolutely fits in. I think it’s fabulous mixed in with other trees that are different textures and media. Good job!
I think I like it , it reminds me of a feather angel I bought my mom(pink)wen I was a kid. I am obviously older than you. I will say I was surprized you didn’t start at the bottom. I am not crafty but in watching others that seems to be the thing to do.
In all honesty, maybe I should have started at the bottom- but at the time, it made sense to me to start at the top and it worked perfectly for me- so I don’t really think it would make a difference 🙂
I was going to suggest starting at the bottom would have worked better for me so when I make mine I will let you know how it went. I think instead of hot glue E6000 would work just as well with no burned fingers. Beautiful tree
I LOVE IT!!!! I think it is perfect just the way it is.
Thank you, Becky!!!
You rocked it, I think you have to be a special kinda person (maybe twisted) to love things with feathers. I am going to make one because I think it will be perfect next to the feather wreath I made last year. And my peeps were not real impressed with my feather wreath but I LOVE it and your tree.
Thank you so much! I am so glad you like it, and I would love to see your tree 🙂
I love it Brooke! I always like things that are different. I’m going to get me the supplies and try it. Thanks for the inspiration! I’m also looking for some wooden pallets, so I can try the Joy sign and some other things I’ve seen done with them lately. Keep up the good work! You make me want to craft again!
I am so glad you love it, and I can’t wait to see pictures of your crafting! You better post! 🙂
I love it! In fact, I almost bought one that looked exactly like this at JoAnn’s last weekend!! But now that I’ve read this, I may have to give it a try. Thanks for something cute and easy!
YES!! Definitely make you one 🙂 It is so easy and you can’t even tell it wasn’t store bought 😉
Definitely love it. It looks amazing.
Hmm, I love it but am lazy and cheap. I think I’ll try using a feather boa from Dollar Tree. Won’t flow quite the same but it will be fat and full!
The boa idea sounds nice. May have to steal your idea for mine.
Love the softness and celestial qualities. Also, it’s certainly a personal preference to add more if desired. The beauty is in the simplicity. Beautiful!
Love it on so many levels and especially paired with the other trees! It’s elegant but can be placed anywhere in any home! Sorry about your fingers!
Love it! Going to get the supplies to make one with my best friend! Love your inspiration.
These feather trees are so cute. I made one years ago, using a foam form. I started from the bottom, and I was lucky to still have all my fingertips at the end of it. One year, I got all fancy .. lol …and added tiny string lights that I wove under the feather. At night it was the sweetest tree, it glowed so softly. I have seen them done in the traditional red or green colored feathers.. but that didn’t get my vote. Thanks for sharing your wonderful crafts with us.. ♥
Absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!
Love – I have to do this- I am crazy about Christmas trees. One year I put up 8. They all have a theme and a tree decorated in light pink stays up in my Shabby Chic bedroom for my granddaughter when she used to spend the night – it made a great nightlight. I am getting things together for an all white/cream shabby chic tree made from lace, doilies, tulle, scraps of fabric. Last year I made 3 jeweled trees and I almost have enough jewelry for a 4th one. I am stuck at home almost ever day – just me and dogs. I would die if I couldn’t craft.
This is adorable, so making this! I hope mine comes out looking as good as yours!
Sooo pretty! I bough the supplies and am making one, too. I am goingt o add some red feathers in between too! Thanks for the idea.
I made one just like this a few weeks ago. I started with a large wire cone shape and used several feather boas for mine. It was super quick. I can’t wait to use it.
Love it !!! I made two of different sizes
Love, love, love it! Go to Dollar tree and in the craft department, they have pink finger protectors.
Love it. It’s “heavenly”. After 40 years of hot glue work I have now found out about the silicone finger covers to prevent burns. You can slip one on and immediately push down on the hot glue and you feel nothing. Best invention in crafting since the glue gun. Yes, I crafted many years before the glue gun was invented. Can you imagine having to wire or tie on everything on to a wreath? You need to get yourself a package of fingers on Amazon. I have also made cone trees like this this year and made my own cones for free from the heavyweight cardboard paper that is at the end of a roll of gift wrap. Not the tube type. The type that has about 12″ of this heavy paper at the end of the roll. Love watching your creations and touring your home. Keep inspiring us all.
I think it’s beautiful. Thanks for the idea specially when your decor is “Winter wonderland” all is white and calm and no crazy colors, just snow ❤️ You put your ideas and we run with it. Anyone can just change things to their liking 🎅🏻
Absolutely, Love it!!!! You are so great at what you do and sharing with us!!! Thank you!
I love it! It’s so whimsical and that is so you and me for that matter! I’m going to give it a try and add the tiny lights as suggested. We will see how it goes! Thanks Brooke!
Love it!
Your tree is adorable and just me ght inspire me to make several for my Christmas Deco for my dining table.
These would be so cute for reception tables for a Christmas wedding.
Love it love it love it. I have a couple whit feather trees and I love them.
I love it!! I forget how much I paid for a tree like that from Pier One. Fun for kids to make too!!
Brooke, I think your feather tree is eloquent and so soft looking. I have everything I need to make one or more. Can’t wait to get started! Thank you for sharing your project with us❣️❣️❣️
Love it. I think a tree can be made out of almost anything. I’m thinking it could be easier to start on the bottom and just overlap each row. Just an idea.
That would work too!