Mother nature is very confused here in Kentucky. It is now the middle of April, but today- it was spitting SNOW! I mean, what?! That is very very uncommon for this area! Last week, it was sunny and 80. I can’t even. But, despite what the weather is doing- it IS Spring, indeed…and I AM going to celebrate it with this adorable DIY Spring Block Set!!!
I did the cutest little DIY Spring Block Set over the weekend, and I wanted to share them with you today! They were very easy and super fun to do. The fun thing with this project is thinking outside of the box and making it YOUR own. You can change up the wording, size, style, etc…
Here are my supplies that I used for this simple project:
Scrapbook paper
Wooden blocks from Hobby Lobby (can use scrap wood pieces)
Mod Podge
Scrapbook Stickers
(Didn’t take pics of EVERY item- but you get the idea!)
First, I took my wood blocks, and I traced the outside onto my piece of scrapbook paper.
There are no more pictures of the process because it is truly self explanatory, but I tried to be as detailed as I can.
I then cut it out and laid it on top of my block of wood- to be sure it fit properly. If it was a good fit, I took my mod podge and brushed a light coat over the top of my wood block and then adhered my paper. Once that had dried, I put a thin layer of my mod podge over the paper to seal it and give it a “finished” look.
Once that was dry, I took my stickers and embellishments and went to town making each block super cute!
Be creative and make each one your own! They turned out simply adorable! I already had the little wooden piece for the letter I in my craft stash. It was 99 cents at Michael’s forever ago. These things are fun to add as extras on your pieces to add more dimension and fun.
My letters were actually on clearance at Hobby Lobby, so be on the look out for some great deals to do your own!
And HERE is my sweet little finished DIY Spring Block Set!!!! Cute or what?!?!
I love getting a closer look at the fun embellishments! These are my favorite parts of a craft like this!
So, what do you think!?! You could do this with kid’s names for their room, wedding decorations, Christmas and other seasons and the list could go on!
Be sure you are following on Social Media!
Last Updated on July 5, 2018
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Very cute !!!!!!!!!
Love your Spring blocks. Yay! Spring. I think. I’d been in shorts, T-shirts and barefooted for 3 days. Today I’m wearing socks, flannel britches and a sweat shirt. I’m in central VA. We had rough weather here yesterday – heavy rain, hail and tornadoes. Lots of damage. No lives lost.
These are really cute – love the colourings too 🙂
We must be close! We are here in Brandenburg KY and can you believe the weather, snow one day and feeling like we are in a blizzard and it’s going to be in the mid 70’s tomorrow, you know what they say about living in Ky and not liking the weather “hang on a minute and it’ll change” couldn’t be any more of a fact round here!
Love your blocks, you do such cute projects!